EXCLUSIVE: Gordon Ramsey's Ex-Mistress: 'His Hair Plugs Are No Surprise'
Dec. 29 2010, Published 10:10 a.m. ET
While Gordon Ramsey might have financial trouble cooking with $1 million dollars in tax liens, it hasn't stopped the television chef from spending a whopping $46,110 on hair plugs!
Britain's The Sun reports the 44-year-old - famed for his wild locks - spent a grueling twelve hours having follicles painstakingly removed from lush patches of his scalp and reinserted where his hairline is thinning.
Sarah Symonds - who claimed she had an on-and-off fling with Ramsay for seven years - spoke exclusively to RadarOnline.com about Ramsey's new nightmare.
"Gordon getting hair plugs is no surprise to me because he was always obsessed with his hair and his look," said Symonds, who runs a Mistresses Anonymous 12-step recovery program and a blog called Pillow Talk.
"I was a little worried when I saw Gordon had chosen to follow me and bleach his hair blonde after our affair ended, because I know how damaging bleaching can be and his hair was already a bit thin."
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