EXCLUSIVE: D.C. Housewife Michaele Salahi Claims She Didn't Stiff Doctor; Read The Lawsuit
May 28 2018, Updated 10:19 a.m. ET
Real Housewives of D.C. star and White House 'gatecrasher' Michaele Salahi claims she didn't short-change a plastic surgeon who is suing her over an alleged unpaid bill, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting.
EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENT: Read Dr. Singh's Lawsuit Against Michaele Salahi
Dr. Navin Singh of Ivy Plastic Surgery Associates, LLC (where he is a partner) and Michaele are due to square off in a Virginia court on Friday, September 17.
The doc alleges Michaele made a partial payment for going under the knife; RadarOnline.com has learned it was a collagen placement procedure to fill "laugh lines" on each lower cheek.
Dr. Singh told RadarOnline.com Michaele stiffed him over $500: "She had a balance, she told us she'd call it in and we tried to politely call her back, saying 'Hey, do you want to give us that credit card number?'
"She said, 'Oh, I don't have that credit card, I'll call it in', and she didn't.
"She seemed like a legitimate person.
"I know $500 seems like a paltry sum for a plastic surgeon, but that's a whole week (worth) of wages for one of my secretaries or coordinator."
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However, in an exclusive statement, Michaele told RadarOnline.com that she paid the full $1200 fee, and then proceed to unload on the good doctor.
She said the procedure was a "disaster" and inferred it was performed improperly.
Now she is looking into "doing something" about it, she said.
"Michaele is saddened that Dr. Singh is fabricating that another $500 is owed now, one and a half years later," a rep for Salahi, the same woman who 'gatecrashed' the White House with her husband Tareq last November, told RadarOnline.com.
"She was never told of any money owed to Dr. Singh and he was paid in full $1200 over a year ago. The procedure was a disaster and if he had performed properly Michaele would not be looking at doing something in the near term."
Michaele even accused Dr. Singh of using the lawsuit to win publicity for his business of her name.
"Clearly this is just another attempt for someone to get media attention by fraudulent additional billing since Michaele is on television on a regular basis," she said.
"The media is giving exactly what Singh wants -- and that's free advertising."
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Not true, claimed the doctor.
"At the point that we turned her over to a collection's attorney we had no idea she was going to be someone in the media," he said.
"It was not like we filed a lawsuit because she's in the limelight; this was before she was famous, pre-dating the White House crashing and Real Housewives of D.C.
"She was a nice, presentable person.
"We didn't know her and didn't know her to be a celebrity and she wasn't famous at that point so when there was no payment we called her back a couple times."
And he had a parting shot for Michaele, before their court battle: "I wouldn't want to treat her; I think at this point she's not the sort of patient that I would want in my practice."
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