EXCLUSIVE: 'More Than Enough Evidence' To Charge Mel In Domestic Violence Case

July 9 2010, Published 5:03 a.m. ET
There is ‘more than enough evidence’ to charge Mel Gibson in the domestic violence case being investigated by the Sherriff’s Department, a law enforcement source tells RadarOnline.com exclusively.
“Authorities are looking to establish a pattern of abuse,” the source told RadarOnlne.com.
“The district attorney’s office will get this case.”
RadarOnline.com broke the story that Mel admits on tape to hitting his baby mamma Oksana Grigorieva, telling her, “you f**king deserved it.”
RadarOnline.com has heard the tape.
Mel and Oksana had altercations on January 6 and in February that are being investigated. Oksana went to the authorities on Monday to file the complaint.
And despite the fact that she waited so long after the incidents to file a complaint, the law enforcement source, who is familiar with these type of incidents, told RadarOnline.com that it is not unusual for victims to wait before going to the police.
"Even though the alleged crime wasn't reported immediately after it happened, that doesn't negate the claims, or make them any weaker,” the law enforcement source told RadarOnline.com. “In fact, it could bolster the case against Mel, because there were more crimes against Oksana after the January 6th incident.
“The fact that Oksana taped Mel is the strongest evidence Oksana presented to the LASD investigators. There is more than enough evidence for Mel to be criminally charged at least with making terrorist threats against Oksana because of a reference he made to burning a house down with her in it.”
Mel is caught on audio tape not only admitting he hit Oksana, but also verbally abusing her with a string of profanities, calling her a “whore” and a “c*nt.”
RadarOnline.com has also heard that on tape.
One source says that Mel knocked out her two front teeth although Mel’s lawyer told RadarOnline.com that they had no medical evidence that happened.
Mel and Oksana have an eight-month old daughter but went through a bitter breakup and are battling in court. Oksana obtained restraining order against him and as RadarOnline.com was first to report, Mel obtained orders against Oksana, under seal.
Mel infuriated many after we revealed that the tape is filled with the Braveheart actor spewing racist, vile remarks, including telling Oksana, You look like a f***ing pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n***ers, it will be your fault."
He also uses the term “wetbacks” at one point.
Oksana recorded Mel, says a source, because he was threatening her life and she was scared h e would kill her. And in fact, at one point Mel says: "I am going to come and burn the f---ing house down.”

Mel has been denounced by Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, anti-domestic violence groups and a Hispanic group.
He has not commented on the t ape heard by RadarOnline.com.
Mel Tells Oksana She Will Be ‘Raped By N***ers’