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VIDEO: Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee Says About Jesse James: I Thought We Were In A Relationship

May 20 2010, Published 11:08 a.m. ET

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Just days from Jesse James breaking his silence about cheating on America’s Sweetheart, his first mistress is speaking out saying Jesse lied to her, led her to believe she was his girlfriend, but that he likes to cuddle and has the details of the new interview.

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Michelle “Bombshell’ McGee says James “looked me in the face, dead on, and told me he was separated. I guess I should have a piece of paper next time that says ‘I’m separated.’”

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The tattoo-covered stripper said in an interview with KTLA-TV Channel 5 in Los Angeles “Absolutely I believed him 100 percent…He was really sweet,” she says, “It wasn’t like one night stands or anything.”

Michelle talks about the moment they met. “It was very casual, in his office, like really no flirting, getting to know each other, more like friends, until he said “Sit on the couch, let's watch a movie,’ then I was like ‘hmm, this is kind of...weird?’ That's when it kind of hit me -- it wasn't as innocent maybe.”

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The mother of two says, “I never dated a celebrity like that before, I thought okay, I guess maybe that's how they do it in Hollywood. It made sense to me -- he seemed very sincere.”

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When asked by KTLA If she considered herself as Jesse’s girlfriend? She said “I think it was working toward that way. I believed I was in a relationship, but wouldn't necessarily say this is Jesse James my boyfriend, it was progressing toward that though.”

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And surprisingly the famous bad boy likes to spoon. “We cuddled,” McGee says, “he was very sweet—very, very nice.”

The 4-part series shows the dichotomy of the stripper who charges $100 per lap dance—one minute she’s in a seductive bikini photo shoot on top of a vintage car, the next she’s playing mom to her children.

The series begins Thursday evening at 10:30 p.m. on KTLA.

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