BREAKING NEWS: Redmond O'Neal: Farrah Weighs 86 Pounds
April 17 2009, Published 8:00 a.m. ET
In a shocking development, Redmond O'Neal said in open court in Los Angeles this morning that his mother, actress Farrah Fawcett, weighs only 86 pounds.
Fawcett, 62, has been battling anal cancer since 2006, and as previously reported, Farrah was recently released from the hospital after the cancer spread to her liver and metastasized.
Redmond's bombshell announcement came today as he asked a judge for leniency in sentencing him for violating terms of his probation stemming from a dirty drug test and traces of heroin that were found in his room at a rehab he was enrolled in following his conviction on drug charges.
Today in court, the 24-year-old Redmond told Judge Scott Wellington, "I want to be there for my mom. My mom only weighs 86 pounds right now and I'm sorry your honor."
The judge asked Redmond several times if he was serious about getting treatment. Redmond --handcuffed and wearing a brown prison jumpsuit - assured him he was.
During the hearing, the judge didn't mince words. "If I see you back in that chair, it won't be pretty. If you fail in the drug program, I willsentence you to state prison for over three years.You need to know you have a serious problem. Get your act together. My role is changing now, you need to understand that. We are going to be placing you in a more stringent program than Clearview was."
The judge then gave Redmond one more chance. Instead of sentencing him to jail for violating terms of his probation, he ordered O'Neal to remain in custody until at least April 30th when he will be sentenced in drug court to the Wayside rehab facility in Castaic, California.
O'Neal will face yet another judge on April 24th in Newhall, California. O'Neal was arrested on April 5th for allegedly bringing heroin into a jail facility in Castaic, California. O'Neal was reportedly visiting a friend that was an inmate.
Redmond's dad, Ryan had refused to bail him out before the judge revoked his bail last week, and, as was first to report, Redmond has had no visitors during his time behind bars.
Click here to read the minute order from today's court hearing
(Photos: Zuma Press/Splash News)