Kate Gosselin Takes Her Kids Out To Sea — And Gets Them All Seasick

May 25 2018, Updated 11:42 a.m. ET
There's no "I" in "team" and there's no number 8 in "team" either, but that didn't stop Kate Gosselin from forcing her children into all types of team building projects like an overly eager camp counselor on last night's episode of Kate Plus 8.
The Gosselin family Florida vacation continues with sand castle building first demonstrated by professional sand castle instructors. Yes, that is a thing.
Because it was a Kate-mandated activity, daughter Mady does not take part in the fun. As leader of the teenagers, Cara and Mystery Marley (she's still around) follow Mady's lead. Instead of building large-scale sand castles and learning from experts in the field, they choose to play it cool, sitting in the hot sand and talking amongst themselves.
Meanwhile, the six younger children embrace their sand castle lesson. Colin and Hannah partner up and prove to work well as team together. But close by, sloppy Joel comes into conflict with Leah, an obvious perfectionist, and the two battle over details of their castle.
Next, the Gosselin children venture out to sea on a fishing trip. Mady, Mystery Marley, Cara and Hannah (with a foresight well beyond her age) stay back to cook dinner for the rest of the family. Interestingly, Cara provides some accurate foreshadowing, explaining that she doesn't want to go because "I know they're all going to throw up."
At this point in the episode, Kate takes her children to relive what seems like their most horrible nightmare. If it's possible for one to have PTSD from vomiting, then the Gosselin children might make a great case study given the tragic flashback scenes from their last boating adventure. But who cares about that when Kate's so at peace on the water?
"It's no secret that I love to be on a boat and I love fishing," the reality mom says, adding, "but my kids generally get seasick."
"I'm always trying to remake history and make things better," Kate explains as she drags her children on the very same trip that had them vomiting in succession –– "vomit fest" is what they called it last time during a trip to North Carolina.
However, before sea-sickness sets in, there is some actual fishing!
What he lacks in sand castle art, Joel more than makes up for by reeling in a big, beautiful fish. Take that, Leah!
Unfortunately, the respite is short and sweet as Kate's brood becomes woozy one-by-one.
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In an effort to salvage the day, Kate reassures her nauseated children with comforting words like, "tell yourself getting sick is not an option," or "It's mind over matter," and last of all, "sleep it off."
Then, things take a turn for the worse. Dedicated fisherman Kate and mother Kate are in direct conflict when Leah begins to vomit. Forcing to choose between letting go of her rod and rushing to the side of her sick child, Kate decides to stick with the rod, but admits to "reeling faster".
"We have gone deep-sea fishing before and it wasn't very fun," Leah explains. "It was the same exact thing as last time except this time was worse."
"Mommy we all we want to go home except you," Alexis pleads with mother Kate.
Ignoring the obvious solution, Kate complains, "This sucks. This is something I love more than life itself and they can't tolerate it."
While Kate stays busy as captain of the S.S. Vomit, Mady is captain of the kitchen, determined to launch a meatless dinner campaign. When the nanny politely suggested they come up with a meat component, Mady protests, "No we don't!"
"You don't need to eat meat. You can make healthy and fulfilling meals without meat!" she continues. No one dares to argue with that sound reasoning (especially not Mystery Marley because she knows her place).
In the end, the weary sailors return and enjoy Mady's vegetable lasagna wraps and her meatless agenda — or at least they knew better than to say otherwise.
To conclude the episode, brave Alexis fulfills her dream of holding an alligator at Gator World and while the other kids fully enjoy the water park –– unlike their sea trip –– perhaps partially because Kate seems to hate it.

Kate Plus 8 airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on TLC.