Deciphering A Killer! Dylann Storm Roof's Prison Letter Gives Clues Into Tragic Church Massacre, Says Expert – 'Shows Aggression In Writing'

July 15 2015, Published 7:03 a.m. ET
Questions still remain about how Dylann Storm Roof became a cold-hearted killer, but a new handwritten letter to his prison pen pal could reveal dark secrets of the 21-year-old charged with brutally killing nine people in a South Carolina church. In fact, a leading handwriting analysis expert tells that the letter suggests Roof is a violent person who also may be suffering from a mental disorder.
"The first thing that stands out to me in the two page letter is that it is looks like the writing of an eight-year-old, not a 21-year-old," says the founder Southern Handwriting Expert Steve W. Davis .
"This would seem to indicate a lack of education, or lack of applying knowledge."
"The letter is almost entirely written in the middle zone with large writing," says Davis. "This is typically found in people that live for the moment and don't like to plan ahead."
"His writing looks like a roller coaster going up and down. This can be indicative of people that have no basis in reality. They are given to whatever whims they choose," he continues.
What's more, Davis says that "his cramped and packed style shows a person with a lot going on in life. Coupled with the negative traits, this again is another indicator that he could not control what was going on in his mind."
"The writer lacks any intellectual depth, and dislikes learning. He has low self-esteem and constantly finds fault with himself," Davis, who is the #1 handwriting expert in the South, tells
"He is prone to mood swings, and is completely unpredictable. He may have some violent tendencies. He lacks any physical drive or leadership capabilities. Because of this, he is usually a follower at best," Davis believes.
"The variable slants that are seen throughout this letter are common with people that have a dual personality. The head and the heart are in conflict. This can also be caused by medical conditions from low blood sugar to mental conditions. A person with variable slants is subject to unpredictable mood swings."

As previously reported, Roof shot and killed nine African-American people on June 17 in the Emanuel AME Church, which is one of the oldest houses of worship in the nation.
From the clues that have been gathered, it appears that the murders were racially charged.
"Dylann Roof shows aggression in his writing with the words quickly and quit. Aggression in writing with more negative habits than positive can mean a person would be prone to violence," Davis claims.
Even though Davis has never met Roof, nor has he worked directly with the killer, he says that the letter suggests a lot about his relationship with his family.

"Dylann Roof carries a lot of heavy emotions and cannot let past events go. Even if the events that cause the feeling only happened in his mind," he says.
"He feels the world looks down on him. He is self-conscious because of this and has some resentment directed at this family."
Roof is currently incarcerated at a jail in South Carolina and is facing 9 counts of murder and one count of possessing a firearm.
As reported, the letter -- which was dated June 18, just a day after the tragic massacre -- is from True Crime Auction house.
Do you think that Dylann Roof should get the death penalty? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.