Lindsay Lohan 'Victim Of Double Standard,' Says Producer Who Compares Her To Charlie Sheen

Oct. 30 2010, Published 4:25 a.m. ET
Producer Richard O'Sullivan has lambasted the media--and the general public--for its double standard regarding celebrity scandals, saying that if "Lindsay Lohan pulled half the stunts Charlie Sheen does, half the country would be clamoring to burn that poor girl at the stake!"
O'Sullivan, who has been trying to launch a movie project called One Night with You with Lohan in the starring role for the past year, has run up against obstacles due to his inability to get the troubled actress insured.
"It's amazing," says O'Sullivan. "Lindsay hasn't shot anyone. Charlie Sheen actually has. He SHOT Kelly Preston." (Sheen and Preston were engaged at the time and the 1990 incident was ruled an accident.)
"Lindsay hasn't been keeping entire prostitution rings in business. Charlie has. Lindsay hasn't destroyed personal property like Charlie has. Still, Lindsay's a pariah and yet when Charlie does it, it's just 'boys being boys'."
O'Sullivan says he's a big fan of Sheen and wishes him well but finds it odd that society shrugs off the actor's behavior while wringing its collective hands over Lohan.
"Lindsay did one thing that could have hurt someone else," says O'Sullivan. "She drove drunk. It was a stupid, stupid thing and she knew it. Anything else you can point to regarding her behavior is casebook 'victimless crime.' She isn't hurting anyone but herself. Yet media outlets will sit and do round table discussions about her like she's single-handedly destroying society.
"Meanwhile, Charlie's given a pass, makes nearly two million bucks a week, and everybody loves him. God bless him, he's a good soul, but jeez, people, don't be hypocrites about it. He's a middle-aged man with five kids. Lindsay's barely out of high school."
O'Sullivan wrote the script for One Night with You about a character who, not unlike Lohan, is a former child star rocked by public scandal. In the movie, Lohan's would-be character books a spot on a reality dating show in order to rehabilitate her image.