Death Surrounds Him: Former Mistress Sandy Schultz Fears For Lamar Odom's Life After Jamie's Overdose -- 'Shutting Everyone Out'

June 16 2015, Updated 6:59 a.m. ET
Yesterday, the world received the devastating news that Lamar Odom's best friend Jamie Sangouthai had died of an apparent heroin overdose, and now, Odom's former mistress fears that Lamar could be next.
Odom's former flame Sandy Schultz told exclusively that Sangouthai's death has caused Odom to shut out friends, and she fears that he will turn to drugs to ease his pain."I'm scared for Lamar now," she admitted. "As a friend we're trying to make sure it's Jamie's death not giving him a reason to fall into drugs or whatever he gets into... I hope he doesn't do anything drastic at this point. There's lots going on."
Throughout Sangouthai's struggle with addiction, Odom tried his best to help his friend. "He tried to save Jamie," Schultz revealed. "Jamie had a lot of demons going on in his life and Lamar was not able to be there for him as much as Jamie would like because he was dealing with his own demons."
Schultz also revealed that death has been a recurring theme in Odoms charmed yet tragic life. "One of biggest issues Lamar had was death that surrounded him – his cousin, the accident Lamar and Khloe had -- that was one of the concerns he shared with me," she said. "He's Lamar lost his baby, his cousin that was his bestest friend, he was involved in a car accident that took someone else's life and now his best friend who everyone know tried to help him is gone."
But despite his struggles, Schultz maintains that Odom would never intentionally harm himself. "Because of his kids he won't go to suicide," she said. Schultz said if something were to Odom, "I think it would be accidental," adding, "I pray it doesn't happen."