Boss From Hell! Lindsay Lohan Rants At Assistant After Refusing To Film Reality Show; Oprah Tells Her To 'Cut the Bullsh*t'

March 24 2014, Published 7:11 a.m. ET
Lindsay Lohan's reality show on OWN continued to be must-see train wreck TV Sunday, as cameras showed her refusing to film the docu-drama yet again -- and having an ugly meltdown with her loyal personal assistant, to boot!
The third episode of Lindsay on OWN depicted the post-rehab actress once again shirking her work duties and causing chaos with producers.
Things got so bad that, at one point, OWN titan Oprah Winfrey had to step in and order Lindsay to "cut the b***s***!"
As the episode began, Lohan was unpacking and redecorating her new Manhattan apartment, while her sober coach, Michael Cormier sighed, "I'm doing the best I can to ritualize her day. That has not been easy."
In fact, as recently reported, Lohan fired Cormier after filming on the series was complete, though the Mean Girls diva has denied it.
But viewers saw on Sunday night that Lohan's other employee, personal assistant Matt Harrell, was getting increasingly upset about how he couldn't get her to talk to him about his duties for just ten minutes a day.
In one of his most frustrating moments, Matt went to Lohan's mom Dina Lohan's house to pick up some of the star's possessions, but she wouldn't talk to him about the moving plan.
Meanwhile, sober coach Michael said, "All of this chaos is terrible for her recovery" and commented that moving in the first year of sobriety is a no-no.
While Lohan was pawing through her clothes in the apartment, Matt wanted to talk to her, but she again ignored him.
"It p*sses me off," Matt said, as he planned a showdown with Lohan.
Meanwhile, however, Lohan had been keeping the documentary crew waiting and viewers learned out of 12 scheduled shoot days, Lohan had been late for seven!
Lindsay texted director Amy Rice: "I really need a day today just for myself. I'm with my sober companion and I'm feeling really pressured. I need to go through things without the cameras."
Exasperated Amy said, "Sounds like she doesn't want to shoot."
Then, Lohan sent Michael downstairs to tell Amy, "She feels like she needs some time to get things settled up there."
Amy sighed that Lindsay was costing the production team money and added, "It just keeps happening."
The director called producer Craig Piligian to complain about Lohan and told him, "I think she's trying to sabotage this."
Apparently, Piligian talked Lohan into going before the cameras again, because the crew filmed Lohan going through her endless piles of clothes.
But then, she had an unflattering argument with assistant Matt over the fact that her expensive clothes hadn't been folded into piles and color coordinated!
It evolved into Lohan accusing Matt of not making enough sets of keys for her apartment. While Matt later explained to the cameras that he had ordered the keys, he let Lindsay rant at him.
"This is Friday, Matt! You said you were going to do this, you didn't do it. It was an issue, and it affected me," the diva star continued. "Just go get the f***ing keys, please!"
When Matt asked if he could have some time to speak with her privately, Lindsay snapped at him, "In all due respect, not to be nasty, but this is a role reversal. I feel like I'm working for you and I have to give you the time that you need and I should be getting the pay check.
"Stop badgering me and saying to meet with you when I have a lot of other things going on."
When Matt took issue, Lohan fumed, "You don't have to be disrespectful."
Matt pleaded, "I hardly get to talk to you. That's the issue," but his boss was unmoved.
Later, Lohan went to Lure restaurant to confide in her life and fitness coach AJ Johnson.
Lohan explained the reality show wasn't what she thought it was going to be.
"One side wants the drama and the other side is the Oprah side," she commented of the producers.
"No offense to the Kardashians but I don't want to be that," she told AJ. "My recovery is sacred to me -- and someone like Michael and someone like my therapist."
She said she should have asked for a little more time before doing the reality show.
"I'm feeling like I'm slipping and it's a little scary," she told Johnson. "Nothing is more important than my sobriety."
"I will never do something like this again. F*** no!"
Later, Winfrey went to talk with Lohan and during the drive over to see the star at her mom's home, Sheri Salata, president of OWN, filled the talk show queen in about Lohan's misbehavior.
"She has screwed around with them," the producer told Winfrey. "She's not following rules."
"Hmm," Oprah said. "Who can do any work if the person doesn't show up?"
"What does she want? That's always the most important question," Winfrey said. "I'm perfectly fine with letting the whole thing go. I'm not interested in putting something on that's half-a**ed.
"This is exactly what everybody said was going to happen," Winfrey mused.
In her pow wow with Lindsay, Winfrey asked how she was and Lohan said stressed.
Winfrey said she'd heard Lohan was creating chaos.
"If you're not ready, I'm okay with that. I really do want you to win. I will tell these guys to pack up and leave today. Your life ... is the most important thing," the TV mogul said.
Lohan said she was ready to do it, but she said she wasn't used to a documentary schedule.

Still she decided, "I want it."
Lohan said she'd been sober and started to cry with Winfrey cheering her recovery.
Watch the video on
First Look: Part Three of Lindsay
After finally getting the keys to her apartment, Lindsay Lohan refuses to let cameras film, and her assistant threatens to quit. In a catch-up meeting with Lindsay, Oprah questions her about taking responsibility for her life and her commitment to the series.
"It feels good that I maintained," Lohan smiled. "It's been a blessing having Michael with me, too."
Winfrey told her she had to prove the naysayers wrong.
"The vultures are waiting to pick your bones," she said. "If I were you, I wouldn't let them have me. You need to relax."
"You're not going to f*** it up," Winfrey assured Lindsay.
"You need to cut the bulls**t," she concluded to the actress as the show ended. "You really do. You know what to do."