Anorexia, Brain Drama & Chemical Castration—Jacko Death Doc's Shocking Health Claims

Aug. 1 2016, Published 9:45 a.m. ET

Seven years after Michael Jackson's death, fans know all too well that the King of Pop was weak, fragile and addicted to powerful painkillers during his final days. But now, in his new tell-all book, This Is It!, the singer's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, claims the star had a host of other shocking medical crises he hid from even his closest friends and family.

Jackson often covered his face with a surgical mask, but also his other body parts from the public. The star's feet "were covered in callouses," Murray claims. "They were painful, he said, and both feet had an advances chronic fungal infection that discolored the nails and caused the skin to crack and flake." Though no one had even touched his feet, Jackson eventually agreed to Murray's pleas to see a podiatrist.
Michael Jackson Trial Continues

The "rail-thin" Jackson may have had an eating disorder, Murray alleges in the book. "I noticed he was never hungry. Unless he was joining his children for a meal, or someone insisted he have some food, he would never ask for something to eat," the doctor recalls. Murray also found it odd that his patient only liked women "who looked like bones," he says.

Jackson suffered from depression in the years following his 2005 trial on child molestation charges, Murray says. He healed with help from 2006 self-help book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Sadly, his good spirits didn't last for long: As previously reported, Jackson was allegedly suicidal before his death.
Michael Jackson Court Case Continues

The star was so frail, he needed 15 hours of sleep per night in his final months, Murray alleges: "My many attempts to get him up and functioning by 10 AM failed repeatedly." His constant exhaustion made it impossible for him to stick to the grueling This Is It! tour rehearsal schedule.
Jackson Court Case Continues

A sad secret: Jackson was a habitual bed-wetter due to an enlarged prostate, Murray claims. "After a few nights of Michael waking up in a urine-soaked mattress, I instead slipped a condom-catheter onto the pop star's penis each night," he writes.
The Michael Jackson Trial Continues

Murray also denies that Jackson had the skin disease vitiligo, which the singer blamed for his intensely lightened pigment. The star underwent "skin bleaching" procedures, and used whitening lotions daily, the doctor claims. He even had his young daughter Paris apply the creams until Murray advised it could be harmful to the child.
2003 Radio Music Awards

Why did Jackson completely transform his complexion? "His primary purpose for changing his skin tone was above all to help him erase memories of many past adversities in life," the doctor explains.
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Jackson's thinking was so warped, Murray says, he even wanted a brain transplant to help him move on from his dark past.