20 Wild Secrets Jacko's Doctor Feelgood Arnold Klein Took To His Grave

Oct. 23 2015, Updated 4:31 p.m. ET
From Prince's paternity to why Michael Jackson really died, the King of Pop's notorious doctor Arnold Klein may have taken many bombshell secrets to his grave.

Michael Jackson’s former doctor Arnold Klein auctioning off bizarre memorabilia

Klein passed away in Palm Springs at age 70 on the evening of October 22, as RadarOnline.com reported. Was he hiding dark secrets?
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Klein was long rumored to be the true biological father of Jackson's son Prince and daughter Paris, as their biological mother, Debbie Rowe, was his medical assistant.
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At first, Klein did nothing to curtail the rumors, posting photos of himself with Prince on Facebook.
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And when Jackson died, he claimed he planned to file for custody of the kids. But then later insisted, "I am not the father of these children" during an appearance on Good Morning America.
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Jackson was seen frequenting Klein's office in the days before his death. Medical records later filed in court showed Jackson received 41 shots of Demerol under the name Omar Arnold in the last three and a half months before his death.
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Klein was also accused of giving Jackson prescriptions under multiple aliases.
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A dermatologist, he began treating Jackson in 1983, after his hair caught on fire during a notorious Pepsi commercial suit.
Debbie Rowe shows up at Dr. Klein’s office in Beverly Hills

He also claimed to have diagnosed Jackson with vitiligo -- the alleged reason for his skin lightening over the years, not skin bleaching.
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Klein once claimed in an interview that Jackson was secretly a homosexual.
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Adding fuel to the fire, Klein's office manager Jason Pfeiffer later claimed that he and the singer had enjoyed an intimate relationship. Elizabeth Taylor spoke out to posthumously defend Jackson, insisting it wasn't true.
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Klein also worked with Dolly Parton, Cher, Goldie Hawn, Dustin Hoffman, and other A-listers before the Jackson scandal exploded.
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In later years, he became a bit of a conspiracy theorist, and claimed that Pfeifer and his former accountant, Mohammad Khilji, had launched a campaign against him. "They opened 41 illegal bank accounts in my name," he told Vanity Fair. "I have records of all this stuff. Also, they tried to overdose me … so I would bleed to death They tried to overdose me on Coumadin blood thinner, because I was in atrial flutter abnormal heart rhythm, and they changed my will in the middle of the night without notarizing it." Khilji and Pfeiffer denied all the charges.
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Among his wildest claims, Klein said he founded AmFAR, was the first to diagnose Kaposi's sarcoma, and cured Pope John Paul II of a devastating leg rash.
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Klein claimed Jackson had "somewhere between 20 - 30 nose jobs" and said "I know everything" else he had done too.
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Klein said he'd done three drug interventions for Jackson over the years.
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However, his assistant Pfeiffer later claimed in court documents that Klein prescribed pills in his name to use for gay sex. Pfeiffer also alleged Klein ordered him to "dispense the narcotic pain reliever Percocet pills to a certain famous actress who had an acknowledged history of substance addiction." Klein denied the claims.
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Klein's former assistant Khilji claimed, according to Vanity Fair that his spending habits were out of control before filing for bankruptcy in 2012. The magazine claims Khilji wrote to Klein, "you spent over $800,000 on vacations and personal travel cost with your various entourages … $550,000 on cars … $1,200,000 in random shopping … a $500,000 down payment on the Palm Springs house Weekly parties, maintenance and upkeep have cost an additional $850,000 … lovers or friends on payroll to the corporation over $200,000 … over $650,000 in legal, public relations and security fees and an additional $7,000,000 in personal luxury spending while your income declined from $240,000 a month to $120,000 a month."
Michael Jackson’s dermatologist Dr Arnold Klein pictured in 2004

Khilji also told Vanity Fair that at one point Jackson was $800,000 in debt to Klein for unpaid bills.
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After Jackson's death, Klein tried to distance himself from his prescription drug use, insisting to Good Morning America that he "once" and "on occasion gave him Demerol to sedate him" for Botox procedures.
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Coroner Ed Winter said he found several of Klein's prescription slips at Jackson's home after his death, under several aliases.