Jenelle Says Nathan Is Doing ‘Steroids’ – Are These Pictures Proof?

March 19 2016, Updated 8:19 p.m. ET

Jenelle Evans has accused her ex of taking “steroids” in court documents and has a gallery of the photos Nathan Griffith posted of his bulging biceps and rock hard abs.
Evans lashed out at Griffith in her custody papers, claiming to the court in North Carolina that she believed her baby daddy was “abusing illegal substances including steroids.” He posted this photo showing off his pumped up body.
Evans was also facing a jury trial over 3rd degree assault and battery charges for allegedly throwing a glass at Griffith’s girlfriend, Jessica Henry. He posted a picture of Henry looking ripped on his Twitter account, bragging about her buff body.
Evans told the court that she believed her ex was using “steroids” in order to prove that he was an unfit father and should not be given custody of their baby son, Kaiser.
The ‘Teen Mom 2’ star was prepared to testify against her ex in his larceny case, where he is accused of stealing items out of her car.

With their muscles bulging, Griffith and Henry taunted Evans in the amped up photos.

In happier times, Evans shared a photo wearing a bikini and showing off Griffith’s chiseled abs, but looking much smaller than in the photos he posted on his own page. What do you think about Nathan’s bigger body? Sound off in comments below.