Meet The Duggars! The Juiciest Secrets Of All 28 Family Members Exposed

Dec. 9 2014, Updated 1:50 p.m. ET
The Duggar family is reality TV’s most squeaky-clean clan of all. Or are they? is uncovering the secrets, scandals, and little-known facts about every member of the family — including their spouses. And their hidden lives may surprise you!

Jim Bob Duggar: Family patriarch Jim Bob instructs his daughters not to do more than side-hug before marriage, but he’s admitted he didn’t show the same restraint with wife Michelle. “When Michelle and I were dating, we took things farther than we should have,” he admitted.

Derick Dillard: Duggar daughter Jill’s new husband Derick moves fast! The couple conceived their first child within two weeks of their wedding.

Michelle Duggar: Mom Michelle is sweet and simple now, but she used to be a wild child! The former high school cheerleader was known to rock short skirts and bikini tops before finding Jesus and settling down with Jim Bob.
Josh Duggar

Josh Duggar: The eldest Duggar child, born March 3, 1988, has taken an active role in politics as Executive Director of the Family Research Council, which claims to work against the “pro-homosexual agenda,” according to their website.

Mackynzie Duggar: Little Mackynzie became the first Duggar grandchild when Josh’s wife Anna gave birth in October 2009. She was named after Josh’s cousin.

Michael Duggar: Mackynzie’s brother Michael was born in June 2011. Although the parents were unsure whether they would keep up the family naming tradition (all Duggar kids have names beginning with “J”), his arrival sealed the deal.

Anna Duggar: Josh’s wife Anna married him in 2008. Producers had to amp up their awkward first kiss at the altar by adding celebratory sound effects post-production, Josh admitted on a recent Duggar special.

Jana Duggar: Eldest daughter Jana, born on January 12, 1990, has already watched two of her younger sisters get married off and leave the home. Meanwhile, she’s stuck doing babysitting duty when her parents head out on date nights.

Jessa Duggar: Jessa, born November 4, 1992, stirred up drama immediately after tying the knot with fiancée Ben Seewald. As reported, there were claims the two shared a steamy hookup session at their wedding reception. She also posted a sexy make out pic to her Instagram not long after saying “I do.”

Ben Seewald: Jessa’s finacée Ben moved into a guest home on the Duggar family property months before the couple even got engaged.

Jinger Duggar: Sassy fan fave Jinger, born December 21, 1993, stirred up controversy when she said she wanted to move to a big city. Mom Michelle quickly shut that down, the family would never let her leave home for somewhere like NYC.

Jill Duggar: Daughter Jill, born May 17, 1991, stirred up controversy when she put Fanta and Dr. Pepper on her baby registry. “You have to have caffeine!” she insisted.

Jeremiah Duggar: Born on December 30, 1998, Jeremiah is a twin to Jedediah. But “they’re almost opposite in personality” mom Michelle has revealed.

Joy-Anna Duggar: Fifth-eldest daughter Joy-Anna was born on October 28, 1997. Fans have claimed she seems tired of taking on babysitting duties, complaining in one episode that the family had “too many kids for one person!”

Justin Duggar: Born on November 15, 2002, Justin is the 14th Duggar child. In one episode, cameras caught him eating grass far from his parents’ watchful eyes, but he later insisted it was just a silly stunt for the camera crew.

James Duggar: Born on July 7, 2001, James is named after his dad, James Robert, aka Jim Bob!

Josie Duggar: Little Josie gave her family a scare when she was born at just 24 weeks old on December 10, 2009, weighing just over 1 pound. Now she’s happy and healthy though: Dad Jim Bob says the word to sum her up is “energy!”

Joseph Duggar: Born January 20, 1995, Joseph is the strong silent type. Every day he works out 30 minutes and reads five Bible chapters! He also frequently attends boot camps for the Air Land Emergency Rescue Team.

Jackson Duggar: Jackson’s birth was the first caught on camera, on May 23, 2004. He was originally supposed to be named “Judah,” but his parents said they had a “change of heart.”

John-David Duggar: Jana’s twin, John-David is reportedly pre-courting a mysterious girl who has been seen with him at Duggar family events. Could he be the next Duggar to walk down the aisle?

Jedediah Duggar: Jeremiah’s twin Jedediah shocked fans when he was spotted holding a sign at a political rally that read, “Abortion kills babies” — written in Spanish!

Johannah Duggar: Born on October 11, 2005, Johannah wasn’t even born when the show began filming. Totally unfazed by the cameras, she’s been caught picking her nose and poking her siblings on-air.

Jennifer Duggar: Uh oh! Spunky Jennifer, born on August 2, 2007, has said she never wants to get married!
Josiah Duggar

Josiah Duggar: Like Joseph, Josiah, born August 28, 1996, is active with the ALERT Christian training and service organization.

Jordyn Duggar: Born on December 18, 2008, Jordyn had to grow up quickly when preemie sis Josie was born less than a year later.

Jason Duggar: Jason was hospitalized in 2011 after a 12-foot fall into an orchestra pit. He was born on April 21, 2000.