DNA Clues? Sources Call For Testing On Jeffrey Epstein 'Death Noose'

Jan. 7 2020, Published 4:26 p.m. ET
DNA tests must be run on the bed sheet Jeffrey Epstein allegedly used to hang himself to prove once and for all how he died, according to his family, RadarOnline.com can exclusively reveal.
The dead pedophile financier was found hanging in a New York federal prison cell on August 10 while awaiting trial for sex trafficking charges, but his brother is skeptical of the medical examiner’s findings which concluded Epstein hung himself.
Newly uncovered photos show the noose fashioned from bed sheets which Epstein is said to have used to hang himself, as well as autopsy photos of his bruised neck after his death.
A source close to Epstein’s brother exclusively told Radar: "DNA testing must be done on the sheet that Jeffrey allegedly used to kill himself, especially because the ligature marks on his neck aren't consistent with the sheet that was shown in photographs to Mark Epstein.
“The DNA testing would provide with almost certainty that Jeffrey used the sheet to make a noose to hang himself. The sheet would have skin cells from Jeffrey and of course his fingerprints.
“Mark doesn't even know if fingerprints were taken or if the DNA testing has been done. The other outstanding questions Mark has is who cut Jeffrey down from the noose? What position was Jeffrey's body in when the guards finally found him?”
Mark Epstein also hired an independent autopsy specialist, Michael Baden, to oversee his brother’s examination after his death. He said he felt fractures on Epstein’s thyroid cartilage and the left Hyoid bone were more consistent with a strangling than a hanging.
He said: “Going over a thousand jail hangings, suicides in the New York City state prisons over the past 40-50 years, no one had three fractures."
On the night of Epstein’s death a number of standard jail protocols were not followed. He was left alone without a cell mate, the video surveillance cameras did not work and the guards who were supposed to check on him every half hour did not do so.
Those guards, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, are now set to face trial for allegedly failing to do their duty – and the government is using that trial as their reason for not giving more information over to Mark Epstein.
“Getting answers to these questions is complicated because of the criminal charges against the guards. The justice department position is they can't say anything even to Mark because of the ongoing case against the guards," the source added.
Once Epstein’s body was discovered at approximately 06:30am in the morning, the alarm was raised. Despite him being dead, the body was moved from the cell, which also violated jail and investigation protocol.

The New York City Medical Examiner's Office has repeated that it stands by its ruling that Epstein's death was a suicide by hanging.