Amber Alleges Agonizing Physical Abuse At Hands Of ‘Monster’ Johnny: ‘He Might Kill Me’

April 12 2019, Published 12:41 p.m. ET
Amber Heard will not be silenced any longer.
In a new court filing, the actress gave troubling details about the physical abuse she allegedly received at the hands of ex-husband Johnny Depp.
Documents obtained by describe Heard’s allegations.
“About a year into our relationship, I began to witness Johnny abusing drugs and alcohol … On some occasions, when Johnny simultaneously used both illegal narcotics and prescription medications I have had to get him medical attention. Whenever he was using, I worried for both of us. He would become a totally different person, often delusional and violent,” Heard, 32, alleged.
The Aquaman actress claimed she and others close to Depp, 55, called this version of him “the Monster.”
In her court filing, she alleged that when the Pirates Of The Caribbean star was under the influence of drugs and alcohol, he would lose control over his body, his actions and his mind. He would become “violent” towards not only her, but anyone who was in his way. Then, as soon as he’d wake up sober, he’d weep remembering the things he’d done, the document claims.
“Johnny often would not remember his delusional and violent conduct after he came out of his drunk or medicated states. … Because I loved Johnny, I had believed his multiple promises that he could and would get better. I was wrong,” claimed Heard. readers know Depp has long denied Heard’s allegations of physical abuse, and since their split has sustained that the actress simply started a hoax to take his money and get more famous. He specifically denied an incident in which Heard alleged he would up his arm like a baseball bat and threw his phone at her face.
In a new court filing, Heard alleged she was unable to tell the whole truth about Depp's alleged violence because she signed a non-disclosure agreement after their marriage. Now, however, she's telling the full story.
In her statement, Heard recalled a trip the two took to Los Angeles in May of 2014. When she got on the private jet, she noticed Depp was already drunk and clutching a champagne bottle.
“On the flight, Johnny ordered the flight attendants to give him an oxygen tank, and drank heavily. Johnny’s handlers told me that he was upset that I was filming a movie with a romantic scene with James Franco the day before,” Heard alleged.
Soon, she claimed Depp began to “throw objects” at her, angrily yelling “’James Franco!’” She moved seats to get away from him, but his violence continued.
“At some point, I stood up, and Johnny kicked me in the back, causing me to fall over. Johnny threw his boot at me while I was on the ground. Johnny continued to scream obscenities until he went into the plane bathroom and passed out locked in the bathroom for the remainder of the flight,” she claimed.
Heard shared text messages she allegedly received from Depp following the bizarre incident.
“Once again, I find myself in a place of shame and regret. Of course, I am sorry. I really don’t know why or what happened. But I will never do it again,” one message allegedly read.
In the texts, Depp seemed to acknowledge his dangerous alcohol abuse.
“My illness somehow crept up and grabbed me … I must get better . . . Again, I am so sorry, so sorry. … I love you and I feel so bad for letting you down,” Depp allegedly wrote.
Heard said there are many people who witnessed Depp’s physical abuse toward her over the years.
She said his assistant, Stephen Deuters, messaged her after the plane fight, saying Depp “was appalled” by his actions. “When I told him he kicked you, he cried,” Deuters allegedly told her. “He’s a little lost boy. And needs all the help he can get.”
Depp promised Heard he would get clean, but one month after their February 2015 wedding, he allegedly went on a three-day MDMA/ecstasy bender in Australia, causing one of the biggest and scariest fights of their relationship.
“Johnny told me that I had not explicitly forbidden him from taking ecstasy. The argument heated up, and Johnny pushed me, slapped me, and shoved me to the ground before I retreated to a locked bedroom,” claimed Heard, adding that she thought to herself: “He might kill me.”
The next morning, she went downstairs to find him still awake. He had stayed up all night taking MDMA pills and at that point, he had taken about eight, according to Heard. He was drinking again. Seeing him, Heard locked herself in a room — but it didn’t take long for his to bust in.
“By nightfall, Johnny had hit me multiple times, shoved and pushed me to the ground, choked me, and spit in my face,” Heard alleged.
She alleged that throughout the day, Depp continued throwing objects at her, including empty alcohol bottles.
“That night, Johnny shoved me into a ping pong table that collapsed underneath me. Johnny threw bottles through the window panels of a glass door, breaking two panes, and leaving glass everywhere. Johnny then grabbed me, gripping my body and nightgown. He tore the nightgown off, and at some point, I was naked and barefoot, covered in alcohol and glass,” she claimed. “Johnny grabbed me by my hair and choked me against the refrigerator in the kitchen. I tried to stand myself up but I was sliding around the glass-strewn floor and countertop. Johnny threw me away from him, and I tried to run away as Johnny continued to throw objects and alcohol at me,” Heard alleged.
Heard alleged Depp was hurting her, but in his drugged-out rage, he didn’t care.
“In one of the most horrific and scariest moments of this three-day ordeal, Johnny grabbed me by the neck and collarbone and slammed me against the countertop. I struggled to stand up as he strangled me, but my arms and feet kept slipping and sliding on to the spilled alcohol and were dragged against the broken glass on the countertop and floor, which repeatedly slashed my feet and arms,” she claimed.
“Scared for my life, I told Johnny, ‘You are hurting me and cutting me.’ Johnny ignored me, continuing to hit me with the back of one closed hand, and slamming a hard-plastic phone against a wall with his other until it was smashed into smithereens,” the actress continued to allege.
Heard claimed Depp cut the tip of his finger while smashing his phone and later used his blood to write her messages all over the house. When he ran out of blood, he used oil paint to write. Heard alleged “Johnny also urinated all over the house.”
“I still have scars on my arms and feet from this incident,” she claimed.
Though Heard said she and Depp had good moments, the bad ones were unbelievably terrifying.
On December 2015 at their L.A. apartment. “Johnny picked another fight with me. He threw another decanter at me, knocked items around the room, and punched the wall. He slapped me hard, grabbed me by my hair, and dragged me from a stairwell to the office to the living room to the kitchen to the bedroom and then to the guest room. In the process, he pulled large chunks of hair and scalp out of my head,” she alleged.
She tried running away but he followed her, allegedly hitting her in the back of the head.
Around the same time, Heard had her little sister, Whitney, visit the home. Depp was in another one of his binges at the time and appeared violent. The actor allegedly approached Heard and her sister as they stood at the top of a staircase. To protect her, Heard punched her then-husband in the face.
“Acting in defense of my sister, as I was scared for her physical safety, I punched Johnny in the face to draw his attention away from her. That was the only time I ever hit Johnny,” Heard claimed.

Though in that incident Heard reacted violently, she said she usually confronted Depp by simply standing up and looking him in the eye — something which apparently enraged him even more.
Heard detailed another incident which she essentially marks as the last straw in the toxic marriage.
“He reeled back and head-butted me in my face, bashing my nose, which immediately began bleeding, sending searing pain through my face. I instantly started tearing up, and I thought that I would have to go to the hospital. I told Johnny I wanted to leave him, and that I would call the police if he ever touched me again. When I began to walk away toward the guest apartment, he responded by pushing me, then grabbed me and pulled me from one room to the next, gripping me by my hair,” she alleged.
At this point, Heard told Depp she would be leaving him because she could not put up with his substance abuse issues and violence any longer. Hearing this, he allegedly pushed her head down on a bed and hit her repeatedly, yelling “ ‘I f***ing will kill you — I’ll f***ing kill you, you hear me?’ ” and “ ‘I f***ing hate you!’ ”
During these attacks, Heard said she couldn’t defend herself, and all she could think about was surviving.
“For a while, I could not scream or breathe. I worried that Johnny was in a blacked-out state and unaware of the damage he was doing, and that he could actually kill me,” she claimed.
Page Six was the first to break the news.