Another JFK Love Child Scandal EXPOSED!

July 12 2016, Published 5:55 p.m. ET
More than fifty years after the death of John F. Kennedy, a team of attorneys believes they may be close to uncovering his love child!
Rumored JFK lover and socialite Alicia Corning Clark was 79 years old when she died in February. Now, lawyers for her $17.5 million estate are hunting for any heirs to have the opportunity to contest her will — and that includes any potential JFK love child.
Rumors of the couple's secret tryst are rooted in memos sent from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover to Robert Kennedy in 1963. In the documents, Hoover cautioned the Kennedy brother about a court case involving Clark that contained information about her and JFK, which could have threatened the president's reelection bid.
Seymour Hersh's The Dark Side of Camelot exposes the affair between the two and in the book, Hersh wrote that political operatives had attempted to peddle information to Washington Republicans about Kennedy "impregnating Clark before his first presidential campaign," according to DNAinfo New York.
Court records also claim that Clark blackmailed the Kennedys, remaining silent on the affair in exchange for $250,000, the site reported.
Administrator Leonard Boehner and his team of lawyers are seeking out any FBI files on Clark in an attempt to reveal more about her alleged affair.
In a will from 2001, Clark had named three doormen at her Fifth Avenue apartment as heirs to $1 million each. But a conflicting will from 2004 has her entire $17.5 million fortune going to the Humane Society, an animal protection organization. Boehner helped Clark writ her will in 2004 and as the executor, he is responsible for to determining if Clark had any children.
Clark was also rumored to have had affairs with other Hollywood stars including Gary Cooper, Tyrone Power, and William Holden. She claimed that she was once engaged to JFK, but that Kennedy's father disapproved of the two being together because Clark was Jewish, according to the Daily Mail.