Rachel Dolezal Says Caitlyn Jenner's Story Resonated With Her As A Black Bisexual Woman
In a new interview, Rachel Dolezal says that she cried when she read Caitlyn Jenner's story, and that the issues she went through really resonate with her!
Rachel has insisted repeatedly that she is a black woman despite the world, including her parents, Ruthanne and Lawrence, saying that she is actually white. Now, in an interview with The Today Show http://www.today.com/news/rachel-dolezal-caitlyn-jenners-story-resonated-me-t26651, she has revealed that she was moved to tears when she read Jenner's story, and that she found that many of the themes mirror her life.
"I cried. Because I resonated with some of the themes of isolation. Of being . To not know if you have a conversation with somebody, will that relationship then end because they have seen you as one way."
Rachel, who is divorced from an African American man, also said that her racial identity complicated her dating life. "I'm bisexual... I've dated men and women, and I will intentionally ask, 'So, do you just date lightskinned women? What's your spectrum?'"
Meanwhile, some leaders the transgender community have been less than accepting of comparisons between Rachel and Caitlyn, with Lourdes Hunter, National Director of the Trans Women of Color Collective tweeting, "Gender identity is a social construct and not heriditary. Race, while is still a social construct it is heriditary! Don't equate the two!"