It’s Meant To Be A #TBT But It Looks Like A ‘Transformation Tuesday!’ Sarah Michelle Gellar Tweets ‘Before Babies’ Photo With Jessica Simpson

May 29 2014, Published 8:56 p.m. ET
It being Thursday and all, Sarah Michelle Gellar decided to Tweet out a special #TBT photo, and while Buffy looks pretty much the same, we can’t help but notice how different – or should we say the same? – Jessica Simpson looks!
Using the hashtag “#bodiesbeforebabies,” Gellar’s picture hails from their pre-mommy days. Over the past few years, Simpson has dealt with her fair share of weight problems, ballooning to an all-time high in that now-infamous high-waisted jean outfit. But she has been open about her struggles before.
In February Simpson told the hosts of Good Morning America, "I was so insecure. I couldn't even believe what I weighed. I don't think I ever expected myself to see the numbers that I have seen on the scale."
The singer has lost a lot of weight since the birth of her second child, Ace, thanks to Weight Watchers, and she even posted a sexy picture of herself on Instagram over Memorial Day Weekend.
There is definitely one more thing that’s motivating her to fit back into her Daisy Dukes – her wedding!
Simpson reportedly is set to wed her football-player fiancé Eric Johnson the weekend of the Fourth of July.