Is This Any Way To Treat An Addict? Lindsay Lohan Gets Cocktail Of Sedation Drugs--Including Propofol--For Dental Surgery On Reality Show

March 31 2014, Published 6:54 a.m. ET
Lindsay Lohan's sobriety was threatened during her OWN reality show when she damaged a dental veneer--and doctors decided to give her a cocktail of drugs, including propofol, to sedate her during surgery!
That's what viewers saw on Sunday night's episode of Lindsay as New York cosmetic dentist Dr. Emanuel Layliev got permission from Lohan's Los Angeles dentist to put her under (after the star convinced the L.A. doctor she couldn't handle surgery without sedation.
Then anesthesiologist Dr. Shazhad Khan told the cameras that it was a "deep intravenous sedation" in which he used a mixture of valium, the narcotic painkiller fentanyl, and propofol, the powerful narcotic given to Michael Jackson before his tragic death. And as the public well knows, propofol is the notorious anesthetic now best known for killing King of Pop Michael Jackson!
When asked if it was advisable to treat Lohan, 27, this way, the anesthesiologist said, "A person with addiction, of course, you're always concerned. Someone who's been in rehab...the medications I do use are addictive, but I try to minimize it as much as possible."
Dr. Khan told Lohan, "Close your eyes and drift off. All is well."
But all wasn't well for Lohan on the episode, as she earlier panicked after biting down on something and having her front veneer pop out.
Saying she was terrified to have work done on her mouth, Lohan told the cameras, "I get sedation. Oh, my God, yeah. Otherwise I panic."
The just-out-of-rehab star denied it would cause a problem: "It wears off. That's fine."
Lohan even said she'd been put under sedation for root canal surgery while she was at Cliffside Malibu Rehab Center!
In another telling moment during the TV documentary, Lohan ranted to her life coach, A.J. Johnson, about how Hollywood had left her behind.
According to Lohan, her management team and agent weren't doing anything and she had to pursue roles on her own.
She said, "I feel like they just don't care."
Lohan claimed she got her last two movies because "I made the calls and I researched and all they do is take a percentage."
The star said her reps paid more attention to their other celebrity clients.
"They have their breadwinners and I'm not that to them and they're not willing to fight for me to be that and that's where I'm left feeling alone and insecure because I can't do it all on my own!"
In an apparent reference to talent manager Jason Weinberg, Lohan told her life coach, "Jason kind of just left me in the dust. Unless I'm like Penelope Cruz, Jason doesn't care. But I can't be Penelope Cruz unless I have Jason behind me, fighting for me."
Lohan said she got the last two movies by putting herself on tape doing scenes to convince casting people she had what it took.
She wanted to be in The Avengers but her team said they were going with an unknown for the role she wanted.
"I was like, well fight! Let me put myself on tape. Give me the scene. I'll do I'll my own stunts if I have to!"
Lohan told life coach Johnson she might be forced to fire her managers.
"If I don't work on a film, he passes it to like a Vanessa Hudgens, one of his other clients," she moaned about her rep. "Every day I'm not on a film set, I'm wasting my talent!"
Johnson then had to point out because of her past, Hollywood had understandable doubts. But she said if Oprah Winfrey and Pilgrim productions thought she did well on the reality show, they'd be able to vouch for her professionalism.
And as the Sunday episode opened on week four of Lindsay, Lohan was happy she had spoken to Winfrey about the early difficulties in doing the reality show. "I really want to not screw it up," she told the cameras.
Lohan's mom Dina Lohan then sat down with the TV talk show mogul to admit how she had been overwhelmed as a mom when Lindsay first became famous.
She went to Los Angeles on her own and Dina, 51, told Winfrey, 60, "I couldn't stop her. I had three other children in school." And the first person Lindsay dated was a club manager, the mom noted.
"She hid a lot from me, too," mom Dina said of Lohan's addictions--and there were some days she didn't think her daughter would make it through.
Dina said she still felt uneasy because Lindsay was so newly sober, but really believed Lohan was ready to start over.
Winfrey implied it was Lohan's last chance to make good on the documentary.
"I think it will all come together," Lohan told the crew.
Later, her assistant Matt Harrell, who had a dustup with Lohan on last week's show, said he had mended fences with the actress.
And Harrell fired Hollie Taylor, the second assistant Lohan had hired, because she drank wine in front of the recovering star.
"She didn't realized having a drink around her is a very bad thing," Harrell told the cameras.
Harrell talked to Michael Cormier, Lohan's sober coach, who told him it was time to move on. "I've completed what I've come to do. Recovery is up to her," Cormier said.
Viewers also saw Lohan perform a skit on her friend Jimmy Fallon's Late Night show and work with underprivileged kids as part of her probation community service work.

But viewers were also informed that Lohan had been spotted out at clubs.
Lohan admitted she loved nightlife, and claimed she was still sober --but it hadn't been easy as she'd "come really close" to slipping.
Meanwhile, her sober coach Cormier was shown getting ready to fly back to L.A., leaving Lohan to continue the journey on her own. "The transition has been made. I don't want to become a crutch for her. I wanted to stay long enough to establish the tools that are available to her," he said.
But Cormier became uncomfortable when asked by a producer if Lohan were still sober.
"I don't know," he said on camera. "The truth is..." Cormier then paused for a long time and added, "I"m not going to discuss whether or not Lindsay is still sober. That's between Lindsay and Lindsay. I have no evidence that she's not."
However, a preview for next Sunday's episode five raised the question if Lohan had fallen off the wagon. Lohan will tell the cameras, "I screwed up" as life coach Johnson questions her about her sobriety.