Profits Over Political Correctness? 'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson's Publisher Defends His Homophobic Remarks As His Book Hits #1

Dec. 19 2013, Published 1:56 p.m. ET
Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has defended his recent racist and homophobic remarks by saying he's a man of God and lives by the Golden Rule. But his publisher, it seems worships the almighty dollar. As Robertson's book sales remained strong in the wake of the sandal, his publisher spoke out to defend his controversial comments.
Jonathan Merkh of Simon & Schuster's Howard Books imprint told Publishers Weekly, "In our experience publishing the Duck Commander books he has always treated one and all with the utmost respect regardless of political leaning, sexual orientation, or religious views, and we believe that the Phil Robertson we know is more properly represented by this statement from his GQ interview: 'I would never treat anyone with disrespect because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty, and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.'"
Merkh did preface that statement with the proviso that "While Phil Robertson has always been known for his opinions, we do not condone his recent remarks, nor do they reflect the views of Howard Books or Simon & Schuster."
Why not take the road of A&E who suspended him from filming the show indefinitely, and distance them from the reality star? His sky-high sales could be one reason. Robertson's book, Happy, Happy, Happy has sold 600,000 copies since its release on May 7, and is currently #1 in several categories on
Robertson has drawn criticism after he declared that a vagina was "more desirable than a male anus" and likened homosexuality to bestiality. He also suggested that black Americans were happier living under Jim Crow laws.
The National Executive Director of Al Sharpton's Action Network told that his comments were "narrow-minded" and "cretinous."