Bigot Brother: Cast of CBS Show Caught Using the 'N' Word, The 'C' Word And Homophobic Slurs

July 2 2013, Published 9:19 p.m. ET
Have they learned nothing from Paula Deen?
As the controversial queen of Southern cuisine's career goes up in smoke over her use of the 'N' word, Some members of the cast of Season 15 of CBS' Big Brother have been caught on the show's livestream using racial, misogynistic and homophobic slurs. And now, a former cast member is calling for CBS to expose their bigoted behavior during the primetime broadcast.
Though the show's premiere episode last Wednesday was business as usual, fans following the live feed have seen an entirely different side of the houseguests.
Jeremy McGuire, a boat shop owner from San Antonio, regularly calls the women 'b****s,' according to an in-depth report by blogger Andrea Reiher.
Worse, houseguest Spencer Clawson, a railroad conductor from Arkansas, has been known to refer to them as "c***s" and even once called gay contestant Andy Herren, a Chicago professor, a "f*g."
As if rampant misogyny and homophobia weren't enough, other cast members have repeatedly been caught in racist behavior.
Contestants Aaryn Gries, a Texan college student, and GinaMarie Zimmerman, a Staten Island pageant coordinator, were overheard talking about how black contestants Candice Stewart and Howard Overby were "tokens" in the house, and subsequently sticking together only because of their skin color. Even worse, GinaMarie said that Candice's "blackness" was more evident once she was not on the block. She did not explain what "blackness" consists of.
But the black contestants were not the only racial targets.
When Asian contestant Helen Kim was spotted crying, Aaryn yelled, "Dude, shut up, go make some rice." GinaMarie then commented that they should make her "eyes straight"
Aaryn also told Katilin Barnaby that Andy would probably win MVP soon because "people love the queers."
Perhaps most shockingly, Minneapolis bartender Kaitlin went so far to use the 'n' word. At close to 3:30 am on June 27, she whispered to Amanda, "I can't trust anyone, n****.'" When she said "I just said the 'n' word!" Amanda responded, "So what?" (Katilin was not referring to a black person when she said it.)

The house guests have since been warned to watch their language, according to some reports.
But that's not enough for one former Big Brother cast member, Ragan Fox, who's written an open letter to CBS begging them not to edit out the cast's despicable behavior when the show hits prime time.
"This is only WEEK 1" he writes. "Imagine what ail happen when they forget about the cameras."
"Characters like gay Andy, black Candice, black Howard, and Asian Helen are reduced to mere tokens when production fails to include micro-aggressions that they have to endure on a day-to-day basis," he explains. "What's the point of casting racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities if production's going to edit out the racism, discrimination and homophobia that these people encounter inside the house?"