Sheriff Admits To Critical Mistake In Casey Anthony Case

Nov. 25 2012, Published 6:48 a.m. ET
Key evidence was missed in the investigation of Casey Anthony who stood trial and was acquitted for the murder of her daughter Caylee last year, the Orange County, Florida Sheriff's office finally admitted on Sunday.
Capt. Angelo Nieves acknowledged a WKMG-TV report that his office's computer investigator missed a June 16, 2008 Google search for "fool-proof" suffocation methods. June 16, 2008 was the last day Caylee was seen alive.
As reported, WKMG said that sheriff's investigators pulled 17 vague entries from the computer's Internet Explorer browser, but never looked at the Mozilla Firefox browser commonly used by Casey. More than 1,200 Firefox entries, including the suffocation search, were overlooked.
Prosecutors argued Caylee was poisoned with chloroform and then suffocated by duct tape placed over her face. The girl's body was found six months after she disappeared in a field near the family home and was too decomposed for an exact cause of death to be determined.
Anthony's attorney Jose Baez knew about the computer search but believed it had been conducted by Casey's father, George Anthony.
When the sheriff's investigator didn't find it, "we were kind of shocked," Baez said.
In admitting to their mistake, the sheriff's department has learned it should consult the FBI or Florida Department of Law Enforcement for help searching computers, Nieves said.
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