Casey Anthony 'Looking Forward To Freedom' When Probation Ends On Friday

Aug. 21 2012, Published 11:00 a.m. ET
By Debbie Emery - Reporter
Casey Anthony could be a totally free woman by the early hours of Friday morning when her one-year probation for check fraud ends.
"As of Friday, August 24 at 12 a.m., nobody will be able to tell her where to be," said Anthony's attorney Charles Greene, reported "She's complied with all the terms of her probation and she's looking forward to having her freedom to move forward because, even though she's been out of jail for the last year, she's essentially still been in prison by the requirement that she remains in one location," he went on to explain.
As previously reported, the 26-year-old Orlando woman was acquitted last summer of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, following a sensational trial that captured the attention of the nation.
Following her acquittal, Judge Belvin Perry ordered her to serve 12 months probation for a 2010 check fraud conviction. Before her murder trial, Casey had pleaded guilty to stealing checks from her best friend, Amy Huizenga, during the time that Caylee was missing.
Casey is also currently being sued by Zenaida Gonzalez for defamation after the young mom made up a story that a woman with the same name disappeared with Caylee. Circle K worker Gonzalez was herself arrested on Friday for selling malt liquor to a teenager who was actually working undercover in a sting operation.
During her probation period Casey has kept an extremely low profile hiding out in secret locations in Florida, and as her former lawyer Jose Baez recently revealed, in New York City after being dubbed "the most hated woman in America."
After trying and failing to get a book deal, Anthony now has aspirations of becoming a reality star, and but her attorney hopes that one day she will come forward and tell her side of the story to the world.
"There's things she wants to say, but they need to be on her time, her terms, her conditions," said Greene, who believes his client has been wrongly painted by the public as a party girl. "People have a fascination with her life that, for some people, borders on psychotic," he revealed.
"Getting off probation and having the ability to move around will increase her freedom to concentrate on other things, including moving forward and figuring out what happens next as well as what happened in the past," the lawyer explained. "She's looking forward to being out from probation and having the freedom to handle things in her life and move forward, but her plans are confidential."
Greene would not comment on whether Anthony has considered leaving the country or on the status of her troubled relationship with her parents.

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