Charlie Sheen Uses Tabasco Sauce To Sign Off Twitter
July 15 2012, Published 6:04 a.m. ET
With a photo of a bottle of Tabasco sauce sitting on the dashboard of a private plane cockpit, Charlie Sheen has said "adios" to his eight million Twitter followers.
"reach for the stars everyone. dogspeed cadre. c out," the Anger Management star wrote.
Sheen was one of a handful of celebrities, ironically his Two and a Half Men successor Ashton Kutcher being another, who put Twitter on the map. Charlie used the site almost nonstop for 16 months starting through his meltdown and "winning!" days.
But now starring in a very conventional sitcom and spending an increasing amount of time with his ex-wife Denise Richards and their two daughters, Sheen isn't operating at warp speed at the moment.
How long that will last -- probably only the Tabasco sauce knows for sure.
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