Jesse Brune Has Redefined His Life - And You Can Too!

March 4 2012, Published 11:00 a.m. ET
By Neil Woulfe - Senior News Director
Celebrity chef/fitness trainer/spiritual leader Jesse Brune certainly has a lot on his plate.
When he’s not cooking on OWN’s Home Made Simple, the openly-gay Seattle native, who now calls Los Angeles home, is likely to be providing nourishment for the soul -- either through his organization, Project Service L.A. or through a series of thought-provoking vignettes he calls “My Life. Redefined.” talked with the dashing Brune, 31, about his latest mission aimed at opening hearts and minds, one video at a time. Tell me about the series.
Jesse: “My Life. Redefined.” is a new series of short interviews and on-the-fly videos surrounding the topic of spirituality in today’s busy world. How many videos have you made so far?
Jesse: It’s a new project for sure, and I have just completed episodes 9-12. I’ve committed to creating three new episodes a week. The footage is very raw and I shoot everything on my flip-cam. I really believe that if you are passionate about creating something, then you just need to be willing to take the first step in manifesting it. So, I bring my flip-cam with me everywhere I go and when inspiration presents itself, I start filming. It’s been really great so far!
Meet Hollywood Hottie Jesse Brune: He’s Got A Lot Cookin’ Do the videos have a common theme?
Jesse: The idea is to showcase the faces of young city dwellers that consciously incorporate love into their daily routines. It’s an opportunity to expand the perception of what people who practice spiritual principles look like and do; from successful sitcom writers to up-and-coming musicians to retail associates, the folks featured in the series are all hip to the importance of leading a heart-centered life. Where did the idea come from?
Jesse: My Life! I didn’t vibe with the television projects I was being pitched, they all seemed rather mean and hurtful; you know “drama drama drama” -- so my manager Cat and publicist Kellie, who have supported me for years and are more like family than work associates, encouraged me to take a stand for what I believe in and create something new and interesting. None of us are sure what the career of a young gay city dwelling spiritual teacher looks like, but we DO understand that you can’t wait for someone else to create your career; so why not be adventurous and make something that feels right and invent something new?
Gay Director Reveals Traumatic Teenage Experience That Inspired His New Film In one of the videos you speak with an actor who's also working at a clothing store, and you talked about finding the joy in whatever you do, even if it’s not where your passion lies. I thought that was a very powerful message.
Jesse: One of the most valuable ideas I have ever learned working in the entertainment industry is the importance of creating an intention for my LIFE. It’s almost like composing the mission statement of “ME.”
I will give you an example: “I aspire to embody unconditional love and be a healing presence to all I meet and in all I do.”
So, if this is the intention for my life, it doesn’t matter what I am doing for work. I could be making cappuccinos at Starbucks or running for president, the title is irrelevant, if I am aligned with my intention, then I am fulfilling my heart’s desire. Doesn’t that feel way more empowering than waiting for a “big break?” Do you have a favorite video?
Jesse: There is one episode I shot with Laura House, who is a successful comedian and comedy writer. A couple years ago, Laura went to India and studied meditation for three months; she came back a meditation teacher! A successful comedian AND meditation teacher is a combo you don’t get every day!
We discussed the idea of being spiritual and funny. So much humor is self-deprecating or mean, is there room for being spiritual and hilarious? Laura is the living example that it is totally possible. She does this bit about spiritual break-ups and how boring they are; I really love it. Where can people find the videos?
Jesse: You can find it in the exact same place you can find everything else being made these days: YOUTUBE, baby! Here’s the link to my page -- be a sport and subscribe, this is a brand new project and I really feel the message is relevant and important; so any love you can offer is greatly appreciated! (Jesse’s channel is Finally, what do you hope people gain from watching them?
Jesse: The intention for the series is to ignite conversations about love and spirituality. You don’t have to be a guru living on an ashram to have spiritual insight and wisdom; love lives within us all, and I believe that this love will support us as we evolve as a country and planet.
With all the upset we experience through the media and the hateful messages of discrimination we hear from our political leaders these days, I feel it’s so important to teach ourselves how to love one another without conditions and remember this simple piece of wisdom: “Love Unites. Fear Divides.” Now is the time to open our minds, move into our hearts, and stand in our freedom.
Your life matters; I encourage you to treat it as such. Blessings!
Watch Jesse on Home Made Simple, Saturdays on OWN. Check your local listings for time.
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