Casey Anthony Will Do Online Courses On Probation; Officials Say She’s ‘Most Hated Women In America’

Aug. 25 2011, Published 2:00 p.m. ET
We’re learning new details about Thursday about Casey Anthony’s surrender to the Florida Department of Probation Wednesday night, to begin serving her one year of supervised probation for check fraud.
First off, you won’t bee seeing Casey at your local drive-thru anytime soon: authorities, citing fears of citizen violence, said she doesn’t have to work. She will enroll in courses that "will be online," her lawyer Jose Baez told Fox News on Thursday, adding that Anthony’s currently laying low "somewhere in the state of Florida."
At a news conference in Tallahassee, FL. Thursday morning, Corrections spokeswoman Gretl Plessinger said Casey was optimistic in the Wednesday evening meeting: "She told the probation officer that she intended to do well on probation. She was polite and cooperative.”
Plessinger called Anthony’s situation “challenging” in dealing with death threats against the notorious "Tot Mom," who she called one of "the most hated women in America."
"Because of the death threats against her and the court orders, we are taking security into consideration in this case certainly and we will not be disclosing the location or anything that will lead to the discovery of her location. But she will be treated like every other offender in that if she doesn't follow the court orders, we will immediately notify the court," Plessinger said.
Because of that, the Department of Probation will not release the location where she is staying, and her information will not be entered into the state database of parolees; however, she also said Anthony “would be treated like any other offender.”
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Plessinger said that Anthony met with her probation officer Wednesday night without her attorneys present. She also indicated Anthony slipped in, without any commotion.
"The visit lasted a little over an hour," Plessinger told ABC News Thursday. "The probation officer laid out for her in detail the conditions of the court. She understood those conditions. She told the probation officer that she intended to do well on probation. She was polite and cooperative."
Plessinger said per the court order, Anthony must check in with her probation officer within the first five days of each month during the course of a year.
The probation officer assigned to Anthony will also make random contact with her. In addition, Anthony must pay the state of Florida $20 a month for the cost of processing her probation. Under the terms, Anthony can not own a gun, nor use “intoxicants” (alcohol) to excess and cannot break the law.
If she wants to move out-of-state, the probation official says the Department of Probation will put together a packet of information about her case and send to other state, where she wants to move. The other state will then have to decide whether to accept that person.
Anthony has been in hiding since being found not guilty of first-degree murder, manslaughter, and child abuse in the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee. She was forced to return to Florida to serve a one-year probation for check fraud after a last-ditch appeal to overturn the court order was denied Wednesday.