Casey Anthony 'Confession' Is Internet Scam

July 10 2011, Published 2:57 p.m. ET
Run don't walk from a Facebook post that offers a link to "BREAKING NEWS - Leaked Video of Casey Anthony CONFESSING to Lawyer."
That's the urgent advice from the experts at PC World who uncovered the scam on the popular social media site.
Clicking on the link allows attackers to have access to everyone in your Facebook network, information they're apparently using "to generate traffic and raise revenue."
Anthony, of course, has not confessed. She pleaded "not guilty" to the murder of her daughter Caylee and in a verdict that shocked just about everyone, was acquitted. She was only convicted on four counts of lying to law enforcement.
Casey is set to be released July 17. Nothing has yet been revealed about her future plans.
Casey Anthony Could Still Be Forced To Testify During Civil Suit