EXCLUSIVE BLOG: Jesse Csincsak On 'Bachelor Brad' -- 'Drama, Drama, Drama!'

May 28 2018, Updated 10:16 a.m. ET
Jesse Csincsak -- the free wheelin', free spirited professional snowboarder who won the fourth season of The Bachelorette -- is exclusively blogging for RadarOnline.com about the 15th season of The Bachelor, which airs Monday nights on ABC.
PHOTO: Jesse Csincsak and Ann Lueders Expecting
The new season of The Bachelor features Texas cad Brad Womack, who famously dumped both women at the final rose ceremony during the show's 11th season four years ago.
BRAD: I hope you were getting paid by the hour for all the counseling you gave out good grief — drama, drama, drama! Something you said caught my ear: “This process forces you to throw caution to the wind” -- SOOOOO TRUE!
When you’re going through this process, you are like WOW this is AMAZING -- no cell phone, no work, no bills, no problems everything is PERFECT ... so the last thing that crosses your mind when going through this process is what's gonna happen to me AFTER this experience -- such as finding a job because of the way your portrayed on the show, the way your family is directly affected from how you were portrayed on the show, people judging you from what they saw on the show.
You never think of any of this stuff when you sign the contract to be apart of this: You’re like wow, THANKS FOR PICKING ME!
BEHIND-THE-SCENES DETAILS: Does anyone ever notice that when they show video of the house that the cobblestone driveway is always wet like it just rained? I got news for you -- I lived there for over a month -- and IT NEVER RAINS THERE!
I love seeing Big Paul (the director). He's the big guy dressed in all black on the group date with the funny hat on, chirping orders like quiet on the set, etc. He is the guy who puts each person in there place at each rose ceremony as well ... GREAT GUY ... miss you Buddy!
I think the fact that you saw Ali & Roberto on the show this week pretty much guarantees your gonna see another TV Wedding on ABC. They wouldn't bring them back on this season unless they were gonna use them for something in the near future! They don't put people on camera and remind everyone who they are unless there is a good reason.
CHANTAL O: I got a bunch of e-mails talking about Chantal telling me how far she went on the show & asking me if I knew her before she went on the show or something and why I hate her. First off -- I DON'T HATE CHANTAL AT ALL -- I don't know her. She is probably a really nice girl, I just didn't like the fact that she got out of the limo and hit a guy that was totally helpless ... I just didn't think that was cool that's all.
EMILY SINGLE MOM: They seem to be BUILDING her story up HUGE kind of like Jason Mesnick’s story. I wouldn't be surprised to see her as the next Bachelorette? Again, I have no inside information this is just my opinion.
ASHLEY H: Love that you were in the dark on a dirt road in heels and a cocktail dress. You went right along with everything even though they had you prepped to be at a party in the city. PRETTY COOL IN MY BOOK -- WELL PLAYED. Also thought it was cool you rang the bell with the hammer in a pair of heels (not a lot of girls could pull that off).
GROUP DATE: Drama, drama, drama. Remember by doing these kissing scenes with all the girls watching it on week two (which in reality is day two or three of them being together) creates a ton of jealousy between all the girls and gets them to fight right off the bat. It’s tough to watch another person have what you want right in front of your eyes. It’s perfect for the show to set up the target girl , who all the girls hate, to get sent home. Every good reality show has a problem some drama and a solution.
MICHELLE: Just from watching Michelle and Brad interact, and her call him out about having walls, I can almost guarantee they ended up talking for quite a while (even though we only saw a few minutes). I think she will be sticking around for a long time. Remember, the show’s edit is only 80 minutes long -- and the other 40 minutes of that are commercials -- giving you a two-hour special (when the actual filming time was a week, so we only get to see a fraction of what really happened).
JACKIE: OK ladies, I know all of you have the same question: Does she get to keep all those dresses and shoes?
The answer is NO -- she only gets to keep the ONE outfit she wears on that date. But think of it this way if you stick around until the end and go on a lot of dates -- THAT'S A LOT OF FREE CLOTHES!
Congrats to the following girls on getting roses this week: Ashley H, Michelle, Jackie, Emily, Chantal O, Sarah, Allie Kimberly, Shantel N, Stacy, Ashley S, Madison, Lisa, Marissa, Megan, Lindsey, Britt

Next week an Action Film and Singing with SEAL in Studio; tune in next week to see my blog with all the behind the scenes details. Same place, same time ...
The new season of The Bachelor featuring Brad Womack airs Monday nights on ABC.
AUDIO: ‘Boring’ Brad Womack Spills On His Latest Bachelor Stint
VIDEO: Brad Womack Apologizes To Jilted Bachelorettes In season 15 Premiere
EXCLUSIVE: Former Bachelorettes Talk About Secret Double Wedding