EXCLUSIVE: Eliot Spitzer's Madam Says Former NY Gov Looks Like 'Gremlin' On 'Boring' New TV Show

Oct. 7 2010, Published 9:42 a.m. ET
It's a ho-down.
The Manhattan madam who supplied hooker-happy former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer a slew of high priced call girls has labeled his new CNN primetime show a bore - "just like he was in bed".
"I really found Spitzer to be very boring," buxom madam Kristin Davis exclusively told RadarOnline.com.
"That is sort of synonymous of what the girls told me about him in bed, that he was boring, so I guess the expectations were met."
Spitzer, former Client-9 of the illegal call girl ring that was busted by the feds in 2008, looked like a "gremlin" in front of the camera, according to the woman who supplied him with hookers.
Davis' dig was a throwback to when Spitzer infamously blamed "gremlins" for the period in his life when he patronized prostitutes.
Davis told RadarOnline.com: "When Spitzer resigned he claimed, 'I just used the escort service once and it was like the gremlin on my shoulder. Yet all I could think about when he was on TV was that he was the one who looked like a gremlin!
"I don't know who told him to smile like a gremlin the entire time.
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The critics have been harsh - and the ratings even harsher - for the debut of Spitzer's new show, co-hosted with former newspaper columnist Kathleen Parker.
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It drew a scant 454,000 viewers nationwide on its debut night, according to Nielsen.
The madam, who wrote The Manhattan Madam: Sex, Drugs, Scandal & Greed Inside America's Most Successful Prostitution Ring, admitted she couldn't watch Parker Spitzer for very long before flicking the switch.
"It wasn't worth the ten minutes that I watched it and if that's what it's going to be like then I'd rather watch paint dry," Davis said.
"I thought Kathleen Parker did a good job, and I don't know how she stomached sitting next to him.
"It actually put me to sleep... CNN should at least let him be the jerk that we know he can be.
"It is a train wreck of a show."
She also questioned why CNN would employ Spitzer, a 51-year-old father of three daughters, whose wife Silda forgave him after the scandal.
"I don't know what their motive is," Davis said.
"I read that they were investing all this money in a stylist and I thought no matter what money you throw at this man, at the end of the day, he's still a gremlin and a dishonest, corrupt career politician whose only interest is rehabilitating his own image enough to get back into politics.

"It's pretty sad that CNN has given him a forum to let him influence the lives of other."
Davis, who is now is running for Governor in New York, got five years' probation for promoting prostitution after serving three months in jail.
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