It’s a Dog’s Life:

Sept. 23 2010, Published 8:20 a.m. ET
This will make you want to be a dog. We all spoil our pets but this takes it to a whole new level. Many hotels are now offering pet-friendly services such as spas, doggie cocktail hour, massages, and pet cabanas by the pool.
If you’re not sure about a hotel services for Fido, check out the website
Does your hotel offer pet-friendly cocktail hours such as the W in San Diego? Or $300 learn-to-surf package for dogs, like the Lowes Coronado Bay Resort in San Diego? The most unusual pet service we heard about was a hotel in Aspen that allows visitors to “borrow” a pet for the day from the local animal shelter, a service which usually leads to the pup being adopted.
And how about a spa? Not for you, but for your furry companion. The spa offers all the usual grooming services plus treats like aromatherapy, reflexology, and doggie facials, and “pet shopping” for find couture dog and cat fashions, collars, and accessories at the boutique.
It’s a dog’s life, indeed.