EXCLUSIVE BLOG: Jonathan 'Weatherman' Novack Dishes On Bachelor Pad As Heads Roll

Sept. 7 2010, Published 9:10 a.m. ET
Jonathan 'The Weatherman' Novack was kicked off ABC's Bachelor Pad two weeks ago, but he's still exclusively blogging for RadarOnline.com and giving his take on the latest drama happening inside the house.
I'd hate to be the guy who has to clean the chopping block. A lot of heads came off on there Monday night.
So Chris Harrison lays down a huge, mansion sized bombshell...three girls going home. They all freak out. I think mainly because it'll take them 7 hours to pack their bags.
It's the first challenge and all the guys gather around a "spin the bottle" game. That competition could have gone in a really bad direction. But luckily, they kissed the girls.
Kiptyn actually thought about picking Nikki instead of Tenley. I thought, "I hope the mansion has flood insurance for Tenley's tsunami of tears."
Kovacs gave Elizabeth the kiss even though he thinks she has "a screw loose". Really, just one? So, the couples all make it through...
Gwen goes home, which is sad. She truly was the most honest, sincere person in the house. And now the house will have to eat fast food every night since 'house mom' Nikki is gone. I actually don't completely understand why Nikki came to "Bachelor Pad," a place where you come to find love - she doesn't ever seem to open up to anyone, and I think she actually said that on her season of "The Bachelor."
Anyway, Elizabeth says she thinks she found love. I hope she has a Phillips head for Kovacs. He's gonna have to tighten that loose screw.
The couples now try to guess what the next challenge will be. After Twister, pie eating and spin the bottle, Natalie thinks the next competition will be a swimming relay. Sure, that makes sense. Kovacs thinks it's going to be a relationship quiz, so he and Elizabeth go over their knowledge of each other. He has a steel trap for a memory, Elizabeth has cheese cloth. Kiptyn and Tenley decide to use their time making out, because kissing is so much fun for Tenley... "Kiptyn and Tenley sitting in a tree, S - h - o - o - t M - e." And Jesse gives himself tetanus with a drywall screw. Different strategies for different couples, I guess. (By the way, could that be the screw that fell out of Elizabeth?)
The next competition...I was waiting for this one....the balloon toss. Elizabeth should feel lucky she didn't get voted 'worst water balloons'.
I was rooting for Jesse B. to take it all. He's the only guy left from my season and he's the only with the CHUTZPAH to call everyone out in the living room about the BS. in the house. Unfortunately, he and Peyton lose the challenge. Gotta give him credit, he was extremely gracious about her blowing it.
Dave and Natalie's date card arrives, and Tenley guesses they're going on a rocket ship. A reasonable guess for a space cadet. Instead, they go outside to find my car (is yellow too haughty?). It's ready to go...Kovacs and Elizabeth already greased and oiled it.
Dave and Natalie drive to the edge of a cliff and do a photo shoot...on the Lambo. I feel so bad for this car, it's gone through a lot this week. During this date, we actually see a new side of Dave. I gotta' say, Dave was always a stand-up guy during my time in The Pad. If he wins, I think he deserves it.
Back at the mansion, Elizabeth and Kovacs sneak into the fantasy suit...Elizabeth wants romance, Kovacs wants the clothes on the floor. They may not have love but at least they have....wait, I'm thinking.
On a side note, can anyone tell me why the remaining contestants think athleticism has anything to do with winning? Are they paying attention to the challenges so far??
Ok, so we're heading into the rose ceremony and the logical side of Tenley's thinking (the opposite side thought Dave and Natalie were going on a rocket ship) thinks it'd be better to send home Kovacs and Elizabeth. This is probably true. But does ANYONE on this show ever vote off one of the Insider couples? Of course not. Chris "H Bomb" Harrison drops yet another bomb when he tells everyone
they're voting as individuals. The entire house is in a frenzy and the ball drops on Jesse B. and Peyton. I was surprised. After all that talk, Natalie changes her mind at the last second.
Next week - Dancing with the Stars, Bachelor Pad Style
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EXCLUSIVE: Bachelorette Villain Flips Out On The Bachelor Pad

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