EXCLUSIVE: Jesse James Mistress Reacts To Hailey Glassman's Anger; Security Increased For Boxing Match
April 6 2010, Published 9:00 a.m. ET
When Michelle “Bombshell” McGee learned that Hailey Glassman was furious that she was going to be the referee at her celebrity boxing match she exclusively told RadarOnline.com that she didn’t understand the anger being directed at her. Despite the fact that she has an Iron Eagle and Swastika tattoo, “Bombshell” maintains that she is not in fact a white supremacist Nazi.
The first mistress to come forward about her affair with the husband of Oscar winner Sandra Bullock, Michelle was incredulous at Hailey Glassman’s objection to her participation in the boxing match.
“Why is she mad at me? I don’t hate Jews, I speak Yiddish!” Michelle exclusively told RadarOnline.com. Her ex-husband has alleged that Michelle made the “Heil Hitler” hand gesture at her young son, who is half Jewish.
Michelle told RadarOnline.com exclusively that she doesn’t understand why there is controversy surrounding her, that she doesn’t hate Jewish people, and in fact has always had Jewish friends and respects the religion.
Hailey Glassman, who found herself in the middle of a marriage scandal when she became the girlfriend of Jon Gosselin while he was still married to Kate, slams the stripper about her upcoming referee stint at the celebrity boxing match.
“If I had known that garbage like Michelle Bombshell was going to be involved I never would have agreed to do it,” Hailey told RadarOnline.com about her upcoming boxing match against adult film star Gina Lynn. The event is scheduled to take place May 7.
Hailey explained her stand against the Michelle. “I’m a young, Jewish woman! That Nazi picture (of McGee) brought me to tears. I believe in equality and that everyone should be treated equally.
“She better have everything covered up on the day of the match because if she comes near me with that stuff showing I’ll make a scene and walk out. I don’t care if I get sued. I will NOT be associated with anti-Semitism. I want out of this event. I don’t want to do it anymore but I’m contractually obligated.
“I take anti-semitism very seriously. We are living in 2010. You have all different types of people living together and I just take a strong stance for equality."
Celebrity boxing promoter Damon Feldman now tells RadarOnline.com that he will increase security when McGee takes to the ring as a referee.
But Feldman is determined that there will be no hitches come fight-night.
He said: “Look, we are delighted to have signed-up Michelle and the truth is that she is a really sweet person.
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“Extra security will be in place but I’m confident the fans will give her a good reception and treat here with respect.
“I’m not concerned with the Jesse James situation or her tattoos this was purely a business decision and I’m sure she will work-out great for us.
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“We have not discussed what she will wear inside the ring and that decision will be up to her - but she is a great looking lady with an amazing body and at the end of the day why would she want to cover herself-up?
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“The truth is I have been very impressed with Michelle and hopefully if this takes-off then we may see her fight at some point in the future.”

Tickets for the fight between Hailey Glassman and Gina Lynn which Michelle Bombshell McGee will referee are available at webtix.net – the event will take place on Friday May 7 at Polaris Concert Hall 460 North 9th Street in Philadelphia at 8pm.