Presidential Election 2016
Ted Cruz Cheating Scandal Explodes! Presidential Hopeful Named In Murdered D.C. Madam's Black Book, Investigators Charge

April 19 2016, Updated 12:21 p.m. ET
Embattled White House candidate Ted Cruz's cheating scandal is set to explode wide-open, with fresh — and blockbuster — allegations that the married conservative senator was named in the black book of a notorious Washington D.C. madam who mysteriously died, has learned.
Montgomery Blair Sibley, a former lawyer for madam Deborah Palfrey, has filed a dramatic appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court for permission to publish her unconventional "black book," which consists of some 15,000 pages of phone records and calls to clients, as well as their calls requesting the $300-an-hour services from her gaggle of beautiful hookers!
Sibley told The National ENQUIRER that "time is of the essence" to release the list because one or more of the phone numbers would provide bombshell information that is "relevant to voters before they cast their ballot."
He currently is barred by a lower court order from releasing the records or naming names.
But has learned The National ENQUIRER will this week report its findings of yet another exhaustive and investigative probe that will quote journalist detectives who claim the mystery candidate almost certainly "has to be Cruz."
Investigator Wayne Madsen, who was on a team of reporters hired by Hustler Magazine's boisterous owner Larry Flynt to investigate the madam, told The ENQUIRER that Cruz should be concerned!
"If Montgomery Sibley has what he says he has, it has to be Cruz," he said in an interview — an advance copy of which was provided to
"Going on what I know about the other male candidates still in the race, it isn't any of them, and Palfrey didn't provide call boys, so it wasn't Hillary."
Before a restraining order was slapped on the records, Sibley said he supplied copies of the papers from three of the four boxes to Dan Moldea, another Washington investigative reporter who interviewed the madam for a possible book after she was busted for prostitution in 2006.
Moldea plodded through the records but only 815 of the numbers had names attached to them. Some had nothing to do with Palfrey's business, and none were presidential candidates. Moldea did reportedly find the number of Senator David Vitter of Louisiana. Vitter later admitted to committing a "very serious sin."
"There were hundreds and hundreds more pages, just with phone numbers," Moldea told The ENQUIRER.
He reversed some of the numbers. "I've thrown (the list of) names in the shredder but I would remember if Bernie Sanders or Trump or John Kasich were in the list," he said. "The only name I would not have recognized at the time was Cruz."
Sibley had his law license suspended for three years in 2008 for being a "vexatious litigant." But Moldea insisted, "If he has information, you've got to take him seriously. He was (Palfrey's) best friend."
The lawyer hand-delivered his appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court in late March.
"The footnote to the pleading I filed … says this: If I do not get the right to file my request to modify the restraining order and if I do not get an expedited hearing, I'm going to publicly release those records and see what happens," Sibley said after making the filing.
"If they want to hold me in contempt of court for violating an order they will not give me a hearing on, I think they lose the right to enforce that order."
By not promptly scheduling a hearing, he charged, the courts are "letting people vote blindly."
He told The ENQUIRER, "The essence of what we are talking about is people have something to hide and a judiciary that is actively working to maintain the current state of affairs through outright criminal methods."
Sibley previously represented Palfrey when she was busted in 2006 for prostitution. During the investigation, U.S. Senator David Vitter, a Republican from Louisiana, was outed as one her clients.
On May 2, 2008, 52-year-old Palfrey was found dead with braided twine around her neck in her mother's shed in Tarpon Springs, Florida, according to the Medical Examiner's report obtained by The ENQUIRER.
The report indicates that she had bruises on her lower legs, right knee, right forearm and upper arm — but her death was ruled a suicide. Sibley said he suspects foul play, however.
The ENQUIRER is due to hit newsstands nationwide on Wednesday, its publisher told

Story Developing.