Presidential Election 2016
He's No Quack! 'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson Endorses Trump For President

June 2 2016, Published 10:05 a.m. ET has learned Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson has hopped on the Donald Trump for president bandwagon!
The outspoken 70-year-old also has suggestions for the billionaire businessman's vice president, even though he admitted he originally supported Trump's former rival, Sen. Ted Cruz.
"Cruz's evangelical theory is more in line with mine," Robertson, a devout Christian, told in an exclusive interview.
"But the people spoke, and they chose Donald Trump. As a Republican, I'll back him!"
Robertson, 70, even offered to hit the campaign trail for Trump.
"I'm just a redneck from Louisiana who likes to hunt and fish," he said. "But if Donald wants me out there stumping for him, I will!"
He also shared his thoughts on a possible running mate.
"I think Ben Carson would make an excellent vice president !" Robertson declared. "He is a decent, honorable man."
But, he added that 69-year-old Trump has "more good men to choose from."
Robertson included himself in that list, but joked that he doubted he would accept Trump's No. 2 spot if asked.
"I don't think Donald would understand if I told him I couldn't be in Washington, D.C., during duck-hunting season!" laughed Robertson, founder of the multimillion-dollar company Duck Commander.
One person Robertson doesn't want to see in the White House is Hillary Clinton.
"I may not know what type of president Donald will be," Robertson said, "but I know for sure he'll be a lot better than Hillary!"