Don’t Mess With Jess! Reporter Asks Interloper Embarrassing Question On Live TV

Jan. 31 2013, Published 8:48 a.m. ET
We’ve all seen it on the evening news – a TV reporter is doing a live report from the scene of a story, when someone drunk approaches them and interrupts their live shot. But one TV reporter from Orlando, Florida wasn’t going to take it.
In a clip that’s sparking a lot of comments, WKMG-Channel 6 reporter Jessica Sanchez was reporting from Bourbon Street in New Orleans earlier this week on preparations for Sunday’s Super Bowl when a possibly inebriated woman walked into the camera frame and interrupted her live shot.
In a quick thinking move, Sanchez – who usually does traffic for the CBS affiliate in Orlando - pretended she was in the middle of doing a report on STDs and then turned to the woman and asked if she wanted to do an interview.
The woman agreed.
“We were just talking about, here on Bourbon Street, the STD rate that’s going on here. So how long have you had an STD?” Sanchez asked her.
"I don't have an STD," the interloper responds.
"Ohhh, then why did you want to talk?" the reporter says with mock surprise.
"I don't have an STD; that is so disrespectful," the woman answers before slinking away.
Sanchez then returned to her report.
“Anyway, so I’ve been taking care of that in my own little way,” Sanchez said. “You can see what I’ve been having to deal with out here.”
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So what do you think? Was the reporter justified in embarrassing the woman on-camera? Sound off below in comments!