Presidential Election 2016
Obama, Biden & Broadway! 7 Shocking Moments From The DNC's 3rd Night

July 28 2016, Published 1:04 p.m. ET

Wednesday night at the Democratic National Convention was full of chanting, cheers, and awkward moments.
Democratic Party convention in USA

President Obama was the most discussed DNC speaker last night, even drawing praise from stunned Republicans who were prepared to dislike the address. Obama said he was "ready to pass the baton" to Hillary Clinton and said "anyone who threatens our values, whether fascists or communists or jihadists or homegrown demagogues, will always fail in the end."
Democratic National Convention

Vice President Joe Biden stepped on to the DNC stage with a fitting Philadelphia tribute, walking out to the Rocky theme song and causing an eruption on Twitter. Biden praised Clinton, saying she "gets" the middle class and slammed Trump, claiming he "does not have a clue about the middle class." He also took time to mention his late son Beau, who died of cancer in 2015.
Democratic National Convention

Susan Sarandon, Shailene Woodley, and Rosario Dawson slammed Democratic convention organizers for blocking Ohio Rep. Nina Turner from appearing on stage. Bernie Sanders' supporters have been protesting the convention since the beginning of the event this week, and the celebrities voiced their disdain on day three. "There's been a lot of difficulty in executing the will of Bernie Sanders' people and surrogates, and this was just a topping for the whole thing because she was ready to go. And she was very, very disappointed," Sarandon said. "This has not gone by lightly, and ... we are upset," The Chicago Tribune reported.
Democratic National Convention

Trump hit back against the DNC speeches, releasing his own statement. "Tonight was a sad night for the Democratic Party," he said. His campaign said the speakers "offered no solutions for the problems facing America — in fact, they pretended those problems didn't even exist."
Key Speakers At The Year Ahead: 2014 Conference

Former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was mocked Wednesday night when the introductory video to the President's speech only mentioned him as "the guy saying that the Affordable Care Act couldn't pass," The Washington Post reported.
Democratic National Convention: Day Three

Former CIA Director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was one of the biggest losers of the night. After praising Clinton, he slammed Trump for "taking Russia's side" and insisted "we cannot afford an erratic finger on our nuclear weapons." The speech prompted Sanders' supporters in the crowd to chant "No more war".
The 2016 Democratic National Convention

In one of the most surprising moments of the night, over 40 Broadway stars took the stage to sing "What the World Needs Now Is Love." But there was one big problem: There was only one microphone. Though the harmonies were perfectly in sync, the ability to promptly pass the microphone to the next singer proved a cringe-worthy problem.