False Claims & Exaggerated Stories! Crooked Hillary Clinton's 15 Biggest Whoppers
Aug. 11 2016, Published 9:58 a.m. ET
RadarOnline.com is exposing Hillary Clinton's web of deceit. Click through the gallery to find out the evasive presidential wannabe's 15 biggest lies!
2016 Democratic National Convention
Clinton claimed all her grandparents were illegal. In fact, three of four were all from the United States.
Hillary Clinton & Tim Kaine Rally – Philadelphia, PA
Clinton claimed she was named after Everest conqueror Sir Edmund Hillary — but he didn't make his famed climb until she was 6.
Democratic Nominee for President of the United States former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Clinton claimed she tried to enlist in the Marines. Records prove it never happened.
Clinton's campaign bio claims: "She has been fighting for women and girls her entire career." In fact, she successfully defended an accused rapist and later admitted she knew he was guilty.
Hillary Clinton Campaigns Across Florida
Clinton claimed she "chose" to not work in a large law firm. She actually flunked the D.C. bar and no such jobs were available to her.
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to members of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, in Washington, DC.
Clinton said she "opposes" free trade agreements. But she supported NAFTA (which created a $60 billion trade deficit) and allowing China into the World Trade Organization, which led to a $400 billion deficit.
"We came out of the White House not only dead broke — but in debt," claimed Clinton. However, she had actually just signed a $14 million book deal!
Hillary Clinton Visits Troops In Bosnia
Clinton said she "came under sniper fire" in Bosnia in 1996. She said she ran from the plane, "dodging bullets." In fact, a little girl met her with flowers on the tarmac.
Hillary Clinton Speaks At The National Association Of Black And Hispanic Journalists Joint Convention In D.C.
Clinton claimed the Benghazi Diplomatic Mission attacks, which killed four Americans, were prompted by an anti-Muslim video. But an email to daughter Chelsea that night and a phone call with the Egyptian prime minister proved she knew it was a planned terrorist attack.
Hillary Clinton Campaigns Across Florida
Clinton said she turned over all work-related emails to the FBI. The investigation proved this was
not true.
Sen. Bernie Sanders Speaks To The VT, NH, and ME Delegations
Clinton said Bernie Sanders would delay implementing "The Clean Power Plan." He actually supports it and wants to expand on it.
Clinton claimed, "We now have driven health care costs down to the lowest they've been." Nice … but not true.
Clinton claimed, "Not one of 17 GOP candidates has discussed how they'd address the rising cost of college." In fact, they have.
Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Speaks At LULAC Nat’l Convention
Clinton said the number of jobs created and people lifted out of poverty during Bill Clinton's presidency was "a hundred times" what it was under Ronald Reagan. Not even close to accurate.
Clinton boasted, "I am the only candidate on either side who laid out a specific plan on what I would do to defeat ISIS." True — the other candidates don't address what a President Hillary Clinton would do. But they do have their own plans.