Casey Anthony Caught On Camera Spilling All At Bar: 'I Punched My Ex — & Liked It!'

June 5 2019, Updated 5:13 p.m. ET
Monster mom Casey Anthony bragged about her violent tendencies and a string of boyfriends as she tossed back drinks with strangers at a Florida bar, according to an eyewitness who exclusively dished the tea to
Carefree Casey, 33, spends her afternoons downing booze and her evenings playing poker with her latest beau, a 25-year-old boytoy, who she claimed she is “training.”
The notorious party girl — sensationally acquitted of the murder of her toddler daughter, Caylee, in 2011 — is a regular at Backyard Bar near the home where she lives with her private eye pal, Pat McKenna.
While guzzling hard cider and beer, she gushed about her new man and recounted how she socked another beau after he snuck up on her while she was cooking dinner for his parents.
She told a spy: “He came from behind and grabbed me, and I was so surprised I turned and punched him in the face. It felt good, I hate to say.”
As she sipped on her Corona, Anthony can be heard in the video blabbering bizarre statements such as, "I’ve never met an angry pirate, but I’ve met a lot of angry drunks!"
Scroll through for the shocking never-before-seen video and Anthony partying and gabbing away just a decade after her daughter's tragic death.
Still Playing With Trouble
Anthony then vented about one of her exes, who she claimed started stalking her after she broke off the relationship.
Not A Fan Of Authority

“The neighbors told me he would be parked in front of my house taking pictures,” she said, adding: “Tell your daughters never date a cop. My ex was a cop, my father was a cop. They’re no good!”
Dating Advice

Anthony — who is estranged from mom Cindy and dad George, who was involved in a near-fatal car crash last November and injured his spine — also dished out disturbing dating advice, according to the source, telling a dad in the bar how to deal with a daughter’s boyfriends.

Referring to the iconic movie character, she told him: “You gotta get all ‘Godfather’ on them. You got to sit them down and basically let them know that you will kill them if they hurt your daughter.

“You should let them know if anything happens to your daughter, their mother is going to receive a body part in the mail — a finger or a piece of skin with a tattoo on it so she knows it’s her son.”
Behind Bars

Anthony was slapped with four years in jail for lying to police after Caylee’s death in 2008.
Out Early

But she served less than two weeks following her sentencing because the model prisoner was credited with time served and good behavior.
Struggle For Success

Since being sprung, the former jailbird attempted to become a photographer in 2016, but her business soon folded.
New Gig

She now claims to work as a researcher for McKenna.
Keeping Mum

Anthony did not respond to's request to comment on this story.