Bald Move! Celebrities Who Shaved Their Heads for Iconic Films From Natalie Portman for 'V for Vendetta' to Demi Moore for 'G.I. Jane'

Some of the industry's biggest names have gone bald for a role.
Feb. 10 2025, Published 8:30 p.m. ET
Natalie Portman – 'V for Vendetta'

Portman went completely bald for her role as Evey Hammond on 'V for Vendetta.'
There was no room for error – Natalie Portman has her mane removed in the movie … and she said having a bare pate was the easy part, adding that shaving "was a one-shot deal, and that was the most stressful thing about the experience."
Tom Cruise – 'Minority Report'

Tom Cruise quickly shaved his head for 'Minority Report,' one day after wrapping up 'Vanilla Sky.'
Known for doing his own dangerous stunts, Tom Cruise's naked noggin was just another day at the office.
He recalled: "After all, at any age you can pull a muscle and that’s just a real pain. I finished Vanilla Sky, shaved my head, and began work on Minority Report the next day."
Anne Hathaway – 'Les Misérables'

Anne Hathaway ended up auctioning off her hair for charity.
Anne Hathaway was truly a miserable one and cried after her hair was hacked off with a knife to portray a prostitute in the classic film.
In the end, Hathaway admitted: "It was totally worth it" for the flick – and she auctioned off her tresses for charity.
Charlize Theron – 'Mad Max: Fury Road'

Charlize Theron looked unrecognizable for 'Max Mad: Fury Road.'
After trying various styles to play a futuristic bada--, Charlize Theron herself suggested going bald as a baby’s backside, grabbed some clippers, did the job herself and shared on social media!
The actress' cue ball look was "very freeing."
Cate Blanchett – 'Heaven'

Care Blanchett had no problem shaving her head for 'Heaven,' admitting she used to cut her hair short while in school.
Shaving her scalp for a role is nothing new for Cate Blanchett, who revealed: "When I was at school, I used to shave my hair really close. It was like a Victorian schoolboy haircut. It was just so easy."
Matt Damon – 'Elysium'

Matt Damon's daughter found use for her father's bald head: slapping it like a drum.
Cropping his cranium to play a future criminal was drilled – and drummed – into his head. Matt Damon put his chrome dome in the lap of his 10-year-old daughter "and let her bang away as long as she wanted. She thought that was the funniest thing."
Sigourney Weaver – 'Alien 3'

Sigourney Weaver wanted more money in order to shave her head for 'Alien 3.'
Sigourney Weaver wanted more cold hard cash to have her scalp clipped clean.
When pitched the vulnerability of her bald character Ripley, Weaver recalled: "I liked that. All I said was, ‘Well, if I shave my head, then my price goes up.’ Everyone laughed nervously. I didn’t get another dime."
Demi Moore – 'G.I. Jane'

Demi Moore won't being going bald for a role again after 'G.I. Jane.'
There’s no "semi" for Demi Moore – she trained like a soldier and sheared her strands for her role as a gutsy recruit. But she admitted she wouldn’t go bald for another role because, "I don’t have anything to prove. If they really need my hair different, they can give me a wig."