Britney Spears Mom Drops Fight With Pop Star Over $600k Legal Bill Days Before Court

Oct. 26 2022, Published 10:32 a.m. ET
Britney Spears' mom has withdrawn her petition that demanded her pop star daughter cough up hundreds of thousands to pay her lawyers, has learned.
According to court documents obtained by, Lynne Spears has informed the court that she is dropping her fight for over $600k in fees — only days before she was set to appear in court.

As first reported, back in November, Lynne filed documents seeking to be reimbursed for the cost of hiring a lawyer to represent her in the conservatorship.
She wanted Britney’s estate to cover the massive bill.
Lynne said she hired the Louisiana law firm of Jones Swanson Huddell & Garrison (Jones Swanson) after she became “concerned” with how Britney was being treated.
Britney’s mom said she “presented a very disturbing story of her daughter’s life and the unreasonable restrictions under which she suffered, including some as serious as being involuntarily moved from her home, not being allowed to travel to Louisiana for a Spears family Christmas” and an extended stay at a medical facility against her daughter’s will.

Lynne said she had issues with the restrictions put on Britney’s life including her not being allowed a smartphone, only being paid a small allowance, and not being able to have visitors without approval, including her boyfriend.
In her petition, she claimed to be the reason why Britney was thriving. At one point, Lynne also hired a California lawyer named Yasha Bronshyen to assist with the case.
Lynne said her lawyers immediately went to work to get her ex-husband Jamie out as conservator.
“It is because Lynne’s counsel questioned the adequacy of Jamie’s competence to remain as conservator of the person and identified the lack of checks and balances over his service … that in mid-2019, for the first time in the eleven-year conservatorship, real discussions began about limiting Jamie’s involvement in the conservatorship,” her petition read.

Lynne said the firm Jones Swanson had billed her for $800k but was willing to discount the amount down to $504k. Bronshyen invoiced for work totaling $146k. The grand total Lynne had requested was over $600k. Britney had objected to the amount.