Grace Atwood Cries Then SMILES At Molly Ryan’s Funeral — See The Incriminating Photo!

July 6 2016, Updated 10:00 p.m. ET
Murder suspect Grace Atwood is all over social media today after she was snapped at victim Molly Ryan’s memorial sobbing one minute and laughing the next. The two pictures were stitched together to form a colorful (read: disturbing) contrast—and then blasted out over the Internet with the tag #AmericanPsycho.

The reaction has created an Internet furor, as would-be detectives, serial gossips and amateur bloggers have all weighed in on Grace’s guilt or innocence. Did she do it? Why would she, how did she, who’s in on it, when will we know?
Most of the comments come from people watching the events from a distance—one typical remark: “Lock that nasty b—ch up”—but people who knew the American party girl back in the day have also come forward. A former summer camp friend named Carolyn Bloom calls Grace a “bipolar skank” and declares “I’m not surprised she snapped and killed Molly.” (It can’t give a girl confidence to know she’s hated even by people who know her personally...
Of course, Grace does have a posh lawyer to argue her case for her. She’s hired—actually her rich stepfather has hired—Stan Gutterie, a barrister with a sterling reputation as a defense lawyer. (Of course, who thinks a good defense lawyer has a sterling reputation, other than guilty people?) Gutterie has taken the fight to the media, holding press conferences and holding forth (read: boring half the world) as a talking head on television. But is anybody listening to him out in the wide world of social media? Does anyone want to hear the opinions of a man on the wrong side of middle age who ruined his career in the US by peeing on a judge’s dinner?
For now, the conversation is spreading despite Gutterie’s best efforts to prevent Grace from being “tried in the media.” (As if the real justice system were anything other than a different kind of circus!) Two competing websites, like rival football teams, have staked out their separate corners of the Web and are lobbing tweet grenades at one another. You too can join the fray with #GraceGuilters and #GraceDidn’tDoIt. Or you can just get the truth as it comes in—by following me: @VeenaPatel.

To find out the latest scandal from the hit new drama Guilt, tune in Monday nights at 9 ET on Freeform!