Duggars 'Panic' As Jessa Rushed To E.R.— 'This Can't Happen To My Sister!'

Dec. 28 2015, Updated 3:44 p.m. ET
The extremely fertile Duggar women may welcome new babies on the regular, but it doesn't mean childbirth is easy— or safe.
On the final episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, new mom Jessa Duggar was rushed to the hospital when the labor process takes a terrifying turn.
But first, the 23-year-old newlywed and her husband, Ben Seewald, 20, were all smiles in the final days of her pregnancy.
The couple posed for a maternity photo shoot, chatted with family about the impending arrival, and even planned for the next child!
Jessa and Ben invited over her friend Heather's family over to their home for dinner and to discuss the adoption process.
Through all the red tape and child's cultural adjustment, Heather admitted adopting daughter Noelle from Uganda was a "messy" journey.
But the couple wasn't deterred.
"For me, through several mission trips, visiting some orphanages in central America...That was heartbreaking to leave those kids, they're hanging on you, they're just starving for love," Jessa recalled.
Ben claimed he'd been dreaming of adopting a full sports team of children since he was very young.
"I would always think these crazy thoughts...I would have this big house and I'd be out there playing football with my 15 sons!" he said.
Little did Ben know just how difficult the first child's arrival would be.
Hoping to induce labor, a three days-overdue Jessa asked sisters Jinger, 22, and Jana, 25, along with friend Sierra, to join her for a walk.
It worked: Soon enough, she was having contractions every five minutes.
Fast forward 20 hours, and Jessa was in the midst of an at-home childbirth, surrounded by Jana, Jinger, and their mother Michelle, 49.
Her screams were difficult to watch.
"Ugh, this is painful!" she screamed, her face wincing in agony as Ben held her slumped body.
"She was in pain, so I was feeling the pain too," Ben told the cameras. "It kept dragging on and dragging on."
Fortunately, midwife sister Jill, 24, who was on her mission trip in central America with husband Derick Dillard, 26, was able to join the delivery via Skype.
In a graphic scene of blood and umbilical cord, Jessa finally welcomed her son after nearly 30 hours of labor.
"It was a really sweet moment," Jessa recalled in a confessional. "Then things kind of changed a little bit."
Things changed more than just a little bit. Michelle called 911 after witnessing Jessa lose "a gush of blood."
"I think this was the most that I'd ever seen," frequent delivery room attendee Jana said. "At that moment, we went into panic mode. I was thinking of these other situations where things could happen, and I thought, 'Okay, this can't happen to my sister.'"
Fortunately, Jessa stopped feeling lightheaded after a blood transfusion and night in the hospital.
After arriving home, Jessa and Ben settled on an unusual name for their 9 pound, 11 ounce baby boy: Spurgeon Elliot Seewald.
The entire super-sized family, including patriarch Jim Bob, 50, and disgraced oldest son Josh's long-suffering wife, Anna, 28, visited the baby at the young couple's home.
"Children are such a blessing," Anna gushed. "And I think God knew that for this season of life that we're in we needed to have a new baby...and just the time to say, breathe, and start fresh."
With admitted cheater Josh's days in a Bible-based rehab coming to an end, the family will soon learn if they can truly start anew— or if the failed "family values" activist will return to his sick old ways.

Do you think Josh will change for the better in rehab? Sound off in the comments.