Shocking Claim! Whitney Houston & Bobbi Kristina Were MURDERED - Aunt Leolah Brown Alleges

July 30 2015, Updated 3:16 p.m. ET
Bobbi Kristina Brown's Aunt Leolah Brown lashed out about her niece's tragic death Thursday morning, and dropped a huge bombshell: She believes that both Whitney Houston and her daughter were murdered!
Leolah made the claims in a bitter Facebook rant that is just the latest shot fired in the feud between the Brown and Houston families. "Whitney was murdered and now my niece Bobby Kristina!" she alleges in the post.
Leolah did not accuse anyone in particular. But as has previously reported, the authorities are looking at Bobbi Kristina's boyfriend, Nick Gordon, with interest surrounding her death. A $40 million lawsuit was filed against him by Bobbi Kristina's co-conservators, who claimed he punched her in the face before her death. Gordon maintains he did nothing wrong.
But Leolah also took aim at Bobbi Kristina's aunt, Pat Houston, in the blazing diatribe.
"You notice, no matter what I say, Pat never says anything following, to at least defend herself?" she began. "Just think about it. Use your God-given brains. if, what I was saying was untrue or just talking for no reason at all (which anyone that knows me-knows that my character is just simply not that), why would she not defend herself if I am wrong? But, I am saying this for people who are curious as to why there is no talk back from Ms. Pat regarding my statements made about her. I will tell you. Because SHE CANNOT talk back to truth. She has no leg to stand on."
Ripping into Gary Houston's wife, Leolah wrote, "I know her upbringing and how she was raised-trust me. Whitney and I spoke on this on many occasions-so don't let her fool you. Although she is being quiet, she is indeed heated right now! Because her world is tumbling down!"
Leolah tells her followers that she maintained her silence for far too long and now is speaking out in defense of the dead.
"You know that saying, silence is a virtue? Well in her case it is very wise for her not to say anything because, she not only knows that I AM SPEAKING TRUTH-but she is aware that her day has come! And not only that! The truth is being exposed by a BROWN! And she would have never thought in a million years it would come like this. She is actually in shock right now:) because a Brown is usually silent."
Leolah writes that she believes Pat harbors great ill will toward the Brown family, and that she herself is the main target.
"See, I am that Brown that she hates with a passion! Why? Because I will fight and die for mine!" Leolah claims. "I care nothing for a dollar when it comes to peoples lives! She is well aware of this! She knows that she cannot ever win with me-that's why she is silent! Because I am strictly about truth! I play no games nor pull any punches when it comes to the truth! I am ready on any given day. And she could come any way she would ever choose. She will still be at the bottom. This is why she is quiet and refuse to comment or fight me on anything I say! Unless she comes with lies and deceit. That is the only way after I have spoken the truth. But it would never matter because God is on the scene today!...and JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED AT ONCE!"

What do you think about Leolah Brown's claim that Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina Brown were murdered? Sound off in comments below.