Winning! Charlie Sheen Reveals Triumph Over Secret Cancer Scare — ‘I Never Gave Up Hope'
Dec. 23 2014, Updated 5:03 p.m. ET
Charlie Sheen weathered a breakup, a lawsuit, and countless other high-profile moments in 2014. But has learned that the Anger Management star has been hiding an even more shocking struggle from the world for nearly an entire year: He recently triumphed over a terrifying cancer scare!
The actor spoke out for the first time about his potentially life-threatening diagnosis in an exclusive bombshell interview with The National ENQUIRER.
“It was terrifying,” Sheen, 49, told The ENQUIRER’s Editor-In-Chief Dylan Howard of the moment he was diagnosed with a pre-cancerous throat condition.
A longtime smoker, Sheen sought out a world-renowned throat and vocal cord specialist, only to be told he was facing a “very aggressive procedure” that could cause irreparable damage to his dental work, and worse — his voice.
Still, Sheen revealed, "I never gave up hope that I would beat this challenge."
For more on how the secret drama unfolded, and how he came to be cancer-free, pick up the latest issue of The National ENQUIRER, on stands now!