Animal Rights Activist Claims 'RHONJ' Star Joe Giudice Abuses Animals

Aug. 11 2014, Published 2:08 p.m. ET
Real Housewives of New Jersey's Joe Giudice isn't only a convicted felon, but also an animal abuser, a prominent advocate for animals claims.
Animal rights activist, Kris Kelly, was disgusted by scenes on Sunday night's episode of the fledgling Bravo show, which revealed that two of the chickens Giudice had bought, had been eaten by the family German Shepards. The dogs are kept outside in a kennel, next to the chicken coop.
"Joe Guidice has two dogs in the back yard in cages. The dogs killed two chickens...then they go to a farm and get two more chickens and then blow cigarette smoke in a goats face and the goat screams,"
Giudice, along with Teresa's cousin, Rosie, took daughter, Milania to a farm to get new chickens. Joe was smoking a cigar, and the duo attempted to get a sheep to smoke his stogie.
According to Kelly, Joe's interaction with the German Shepards is very disturbing. The scenes were shot in the middle of winter, and there is a lot of snow on the ground, and it appears to be very cold.
Kelly has dedicated her life to helping animals that are being abused and neglected and founded the Kris Kelly Foundation.
"One of the German Shepherds cowered in fear when Joe Guidice came in the backyard after the dog killed two chickens. I believe this man is an animal abuser," Kelly asserts.
Not only is Joe an alleged animal abuser, but Kelly also believes he is a horrible parent.
"He teaches his daughter to disrespect farm animals. The child screams through every episode of the New Jersey Housewives and that's annoying BUT when you are being rough with animals it turns from annoying to unacceptable," Kelly stated.
"What is this show teaching young kids? It teaches them to be bullies to both other kids and the most vulnerable, animals!"

Giudice is scheduled to be sentenced in Sept. in his bankruptcy fraud case, and could be deported back to his native Italy because he isn't a United States citizen.