He’s Not Humming Now! ‘The Wolf Of Wall Street’ Jordan Belfort Snaps At Interviewer In Preview For Australia 60 Minutes
May 8 2014, Published 12:20 p.m. ET
Jordan Belfort, the real-life Wolf of Wall Street gets irate and flustered while chatting with 60 Minutes Australia about his ongoing issues.
“I’ve said enough about this, lets move on, since you’ve stonewalled me at every step!” Belfort — speaking in his thick, Michael Lohan-esque Long Island accent — snaps at journalist Liz Hayes in a preview clip of the contentious chat. “Next question, I’m not gonna get attacked here.
“Im done with this, I’m not gonna get attacked here — you’ve got a lot of nerve boy, Ill tell you!”
Watch the video on RadarOnline.com
Belfort, whose midget-tossing, pill-popping, whore-mongering antics were adroitly portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the Oscar-nominated film, spent seven years in jail in connection with his firm Stratton Oakmont's $200 million finance fraud during the 1990s.
60 Minutes Australia airs local time at 8 p.m.