Tom Cruise’s Best Friend, Church Of Scientology Leader David Miscavige, Caught In Vile Curse-Laden Rants At Senior Staffers

Jan. 6 2014, Published 3:08 p.m. ET
Tom Cruise’s best friend, the leader of the Church of Scientology, went on a series of foul-mouthed rants at staffers of the religious organization — during which he referred to them as a “generality infested c*ck-sucking motherf*cker” and "counter-intentioned c*cksucker,” a court filing has revealed.
David Miscavige, Scientology’s chairman and the successor to founder L. Ron Hubbard, berated the organization’s spokesman Tommy Davis, the son of Hollywood actress Ann Archer, and Mike Rinder, a former senior executive, in vile text messages during a 2007 church operation to thwart a journalist’s investigations.
The pair, at the time, had been tracking BBC host John Sweeney who had come to the United States to film a documentary about Scientology for the program Panorama.
"In or about February 2007, while I was employed by Church of Scientology International, I was assigned by Captain David Miscavige to work with Tommy Davis — who was serving as Church of Scientology’s International spokesperson at the time — to discourage John Sweeney from completing a documentary on Mr. Miscavige and Scientology,” Rinder, who later defected from the Church, wrote in a court declaration filed on January 1 and obtained by
Read it in full, below.
"Over the several weeks of our project, Mr. Davis and I received almost daily micro-managing direction from Mr. Miscavige — in person when we were in Clearwater and then by phone, text messages and encrypted emails when in other locations.
"At the insistence of Miscavge, we arranged the engagement of several agents to surveil Mr. Sweeney and his team all day, every day for several months during the project. We reported the movements of Sweeney and team to Miscavige almost daily and sometimes several times per day."
Rinder submitted those messages to a Texas court as part of a lawsuit brought against it by Monique Rathbun, the wife of a one-time church executive, who has alleged Miscavige and the church stalked and harassed her and her husband over the last four years.
In one message sent on March 21, 2007, after Sweeney had done a series of interviews with Scientology poster children, including Kirstie Alley and Leah Remini, a furious Miscavige asked Rinder if the conversations — “ass rippings,” as he called them — were recorded on camera.
"What did he think when Anne Archer went after him for saying her son is brainwashed. Any other details you generality infested CSMF?,” a text read.
CSMF, according to Rinder’s declaration, is an acronym for c*ck-sucking motherf*cker.
In one response to Miscavige, Rinder — who fled Scientology after becoming disillusioned with what he perceived to be the increasingly authoritarian nature of senior management under Miscavige — told his boss that Sweeney had "repeatedly exposed as a bigot and tabloid bottom feeder."
Not content, as Davis and Rinder continued to track Sweeney’s movements, Miscavige berated the pair for their incompetence.
Here is one exchange:
From: Mike Rinder
To: Lou/DM
Mar 23, 2007
Sir. They are back at van nuys airport so looks like they drove. We are enroute b ack to la , composing e mail to go to him while enroute. Ml Mike
To: Mike Rinder
Mar 23, 2007
You blew it. And the phone call was a total waste of time. Just waiting for more orders, like you alwys dO. Tommy (APU) instant Treason all over again. No handling–just… “I couldn’t possibly handle it … ” And you have yet to provide any handling.
From: Lou/DM
To: Mike Rinder, Tommy Davis
Again, no answer. What I meant by Tommy (and you) is the Greg Wilhere stunt (also gold seal pass by you) of not handling a cycle and then “admitting” you aren’t competent and can’t handle something (so you do it). You know, the usual “your right — I just can’t do it”. Or more correctly stated — EXACTLY the opposite of what lrh L. Ron Hubbard SAYS and SO Sea Org member is. I basically wanted to vomit on that call as it reminded me of every cycle you’ve sucked him into for the past 20 years where the next thing I know, he’s having to give all the direction which will be destructively misimplemented to cause trouble. I believe this is exactly what you confessed to and is exactly what you are still doing having gained a new ally in Tommy of the people who “agree” it can’t be done and his standards just can’t be met. Terrific. And that’s the answer to the act of treason yesterday of throwing him up as a target by agreeing hed get contacted all because of tommy having a self important button that he’s a big shot. He like you have now lost any personal contact priveleges because they are used to suck him into your job. This one is incredible as you know his schedule having abandoned any responsibility for any job and working him to collapse. Now answer my comm you CICS! counter-intentioned c*cksucker
From: Mike Rinder
To: Lou/DM
Mar 23, 2007
Dear Sir. I apoplogize for not answering right away. I have drafted an email to go to him that docuiments his latest criminal act of showing up at gold and aslkin g a securityguard for an interview while we were sitting in la. And were there to faciltate him. That he is only trying to create a false story and that this whole thing is a farce of us trying to facilitate him and him refusing as it messes up his planned slam. That we were even willing to contiue to try and work with him even after his abusing the ppl we arranged for him to interview and his bizarre activities at cchr and his refusal to tour flag and arrowhead. But today went beyond the beyond and we have written to the bbc. That he can put his qs in writing. And that we wiill not waste any more time tryinng to accommodate him due to his behavior. It puts it entirely on his shoulders meanwhile I also sent a msg to get filmed interview requests done at westminster abbey and bbc hq by bob and he is lining this up. Aso getting other ltrs to bbc from those interviewed. And will cc email to sweeney to his snrs we will send email at end of nite so he has no time to try and line up someone else tmro. I know we have to hndle this and not be cics. They are now back at their hotel. Sweeney flew and sarah drove. this is ok. ml mike
From: Lou/DM
To: Mike Rinder
Mar 23, 2007
Thsank you. Devt. E-mail not included and sounds like a brush off. He told you that you could make this the final nail in his coffin. It appears you only plan on asserting it is (the final nauil in his coffin) as opposed to drafting a spectacular written e-mail that is escape proof. Just giving your typical “beyond the beyond” doesn’t cut it and nevr has. Its like the unoriginal OSA mantra of “nothing could be further from the truth”. It needs to be an e-mail that has him and BBC puckered as being in an untennable position. It doesn’t appear you’ve spent any time doing that. Not one specific either on how you plan on handling the treason on tommy caving in as regards the boss. And finally you have just brushed off the cycle on BBC and didn’t sway you’d even worked out the questions for BBC if they let you in. The Qs would have to be on point and even phrased like the abusive questions are by sweeny. We have no idea what he’s been asking and the “do you still beat your wife” was an example of how the questions should be phrased and not what the question would be. What question could be posed toi BBC that would be framed like Sweenys but as regards BBCs handling of this show. You just brush off everything and should instead be working out brilliants handlings that are full homework abd handle the hell out of, just like he does everytime. In essence this isw your usual wilco without a single specific. Saying you wrote an email is like saying you “handled it”. That’s why he hung up. He was the only one giving any specific linbes and ideas and you 2 were just axk axk ack and he had no ides if what je was saying was accurate as he hasn’t been there. You were more than willing for him to go on and on as long as you didn’t have to originate anything. YS! you suck And have him hat you on the L button as you keep taking hin off as an info. Do you realize everyone of my mssgs are longer than yours. You really are just sp suppressive person aren’t you? I wqaited to get this crap? I can’t even believe it. You just can’t work or do can you? YS YS YS YS YS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you suck you suck you suck you suck you suck
From: Mike Rinder
To: Lou/DM
Mar 23, 2007
Dear sir. I apologize. I am inept w blackberry and v slow typing and I do see year msgs are longer than mine. I am hatted on the l button. I drafted an email in the car and am now back and making it so it totally boxes him and the BBC in and is the final nail in the coffin. I will forward you a copy when finalized. One other significant datum included is that he lied as tommy called him and ssked him if he was in the chopper over gold and he said he was not and wld not say where he was. He is a liar and deceitful and this alone is justification enough to not cooperate any further and insist on written qs as he is dishonest. I told bob I wld put together qs tonite and send to him and he is also putting them together at his end as he has all transcripts and is familiar with the BBC. between us will have a list of qs that cannot be answered and are totally abusive just like sweeney’s. To begin with its why are they deliberately violating their own standards by assigning a bigot to a religion story? And when he says he isn’t a bigot list out the ppl he interrviewed that called him a bigot right to his face. We are getting this put together now so this sinks the bastard once and for all. Tommy knows the f*ck up and is not dramatizing sit 5 and we are flat out competently hndlng this. This is OK ML Mike
To: Mike Rinder, Tommy Davis
From: Lou/DM
Whatever. These are just tidbits. Of course his lies are criminal. Once caught, there’s no reason to lie and he just shouldn’t be near us. The fact that he had you in LA while he went to your home (could have asked and had a tour) is a real nail. He’s now refused the tour of our spiritual HQ and Management/dissemination HQ while pulling stunts on the order of a tabloid on asking guards for interviews. He wasn’t asking tommy to contact the boss, he was just setting a record and got tommy to agree on video so he could use it. No handlings has yet appeared on that and cob knows he’s on his own and can expect nobody in the church to defend him at all and may get his own attorney to write bbc and clarify for them that neither of you two speak for him in any way shape or form. You have so far brushed this off as “we know we have to handle” and in 24 hours haven’t given a single specific. You were supposed to have bob and bill involved in this cycle and dropped both as no doubt you couldn’t care and now you are behind the a8 ball non stop at midnight east coast time. You don’t even say where he is right now getting drunk and basically did nothing all day. Maybe you have plans on how to handle but they arebkt listed here.
(Lou, as mentioned above, referred to Laurisse Henley-Smith Stuckenbrock, who held the post of Communicator and "whose job it was to shadow Miscavige everywhere he went, filter all communications to and from him and to relay Miscavige’s instructions,” according to Rinder.)
The shocking, foul-mouthed messages were first reported by investigative journalist Tony Ortega.
In another back-and-forth conversation, Miscavige — who was best man at Tom Cruise’s 2006 Italian wedding to Katie Holmes— asked Rinder whether he was "fing nuts" beyond "just sp” — or suppressive.
A suppressive person is a title of true infamy, in Church quarters, said to describe someone who has "antisocial personalities."
In a separate, side-conversation with Davis, Miscavige bemoaned Rinder’s supposed shortcomings.
Here is that exchange:
From: Lou/DM
To: Mike Rinder Cc: Tommy Davis
Mar 23, 2007
From: Tommy Davis
To: Lou/DM, Mike Rinder
Mar 23, 2007
Yes sir. We got it and nmike is answering. I’m driving right now.
From: Lou/DM
To: Tommy Davis, Mike Rinder
Mar 23, 2007
You are answering and driving? Okay — you just gained a notch on him. He’s he passenger and you have more hands to answer. Make sure he knows what the acronym CICS counter-intentioned c*cksucker means as that’s exactly what he’s proving by event REFUSING to answer a comm!
From: Tommy Davis
To: Lou/DM, Mike Rinder
Mar 23, 2007
Yes sir. He knows what cics means and he is getting this answer to you immediately.
From: Lou/DM
To: Tommy Davis, Mike Rinder
Mar 23, 2007
A) he’s gtng the message to me when he wants after 10 MFing nudges. B) CICS counter-intentioned c*cksucker — the term was originated when the first DNA of a slug was scene by the first sloth.
From: Tommy Davis
To: Lou/DM Cc: Mike Rinder
Mar 23, 2007
Sir, totally got this 100%. He has now sent the answer and also saw the derivation of cics. Tommy
From: Lou/DM

To: Tommy Davis Cc: Mike Rinder
Mar 23, 2007
His answer was worthless. Not a single specific. A generality as if he’s trusted. Just “I wrote an e-mail”. Not n ounce of origination and that he has written something that boxes the guy in with no escape — not just saying to him that he’s boxed himself in. These comm cycles are just sick as are the constant false reports and no handlings except crqap acks on bbs. Glag he has the derivation of cics do you enjoy being his adopted son?
From: Tommy Davis
To: Lou/DM, Mike Rinder
Mar 23, 2007
Sir, sorry for the crap answer. We are back at osa and making sure this email totally boxes them in and has them utterly smoked and with no choice but to put sweeney out to pasture and shelf this piece. Mike is answering your last comm right now so we can remedy or crap ass answers and no origination. As far as being his adopted son. Sir, I know where I sit now as a being and I got myself here and failure to take full responsibility will only keep me here. So I’m focused on getting the job done and not having it be a flap and fixing my treasonous caving in and my total betrayal of setting up cob yesterday. I caused it so I have to fix it. I have no right to criticize mike or bitch about being where I am with him. Its up to me to be responsible for both of us and not only handle myself but M ike as well. Ml, Tommy
To: Tommy Davis
From: Lou/DM
Blah, blah, blah. See my response to mike. It is another day and nothibg habdled.
Rathbun, whose husband, Mark “Marty” Rathbun, was once the church’s second-highest-ranking official, also exposes just how far the Church went to surveil Sweeney and sabotage his documentary.
At one point, Rinder told Miscavige that the journalist had been staying at the Best Western Hotel on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, such was the intelligence the pair had gathered.
The Church did not return a request for comment from Radar.