'He's Cute, I Don't Want Him To Die': Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Becomes Unlikely Teen Heartthrob
May 12 2013, Published 4:41 p.m. ET
Thousands of American teen girls are making alleged Boston Marathon Dzhokhar Tsarnaev an unlikely heartthrob.
A disturbing online movement has sprung up to free Tsarnaev, 19, and its teen girl Twitter army is gushing such thoughts as he is "too beautiful to be a terrorist" and "he's cute i don't want him to die."
The girls are declaring their support through the hashtag #FreeJahar on Twitter and many have also studied the tweets the suspect posted before his bloody arrest. One of Tsarnaev's fans, named Alisha, told the New York Post she would put Tsarnaev's own April 7 tweet on her arm, which read: "If you have the knowledge and the inspiration all that's left is to take action." Later, however, the waitress Tweeted that she's had to put the tattoo plans on hold "out of respect of my family's wishes." But she also added, "For now. It's still something I definitely want."
Alisha said she believes Tsarnaev is innocent and the evidence doesn't add up. After having read his tweets, Alisha concluded, "He was just this pothead 19-year-old boy who didn't care. I feel like he doesn't have a voice. Somebody needs to stand up for him."
But shockingly, she's not the only one who seems to be acting like a groupie towards the bushy-haired former college student who allegedly killed three people and brutally injured many others by planting bombs along the marathon route with his now dead brother, Tamerlan.
"@Lovelessmariee" tweeted "I'm not going to lie...Dzhokhar...is hot." "@FreeJahar97," who identified herself on Twitter as "Gianna," 16, with "big boobs," called Tsarnaev a heartthrob. Ariel Barnes, 19, of Columbus, Ohio, insisted she wasn't a fangirl but added, "I feel like he's my brother." And another Tweeter, "@Shadowlily1993" declared that people can judge her all they want but "I hope to meet him one day. He fascinates me."
Even more alarmingly, further internet accounts exist, with girls leaving such comments as "I love you, bomb my heart" and posting photographs of themselves in underwear while holding up pieces of paper with the suspect's name written on them.