TODAY’s Jenna Wolfe ‘Flooded With Positive Feedback’ After Coming Out & Announcing She’s Pregnant

April 3 2013, Published 1:59 p.m. ET
In the days after TODAY’s Jenna Wolfe publicly revealed she’s a lesbian and announced she’s expecting a baby with her partner, NBC correspondent Stephanie Gosk, the feisty journalist has been waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop, or in her words, “the balloon to explode” – but it hasn’t.
In her latest blog entry, Wolfe, 39, writes about waiting for any fallout from her decision to come out on air during an appearance on TODAY on March 27.
“A week ago today, I braved the murky waters of uncertainty and made a quiet little announcement on TODAY that my partner, NBC News foreign correspondent Stephanie Gosk, and I are expecting a baby,” she writes.
“Remember when you were a kid and you’d toss a water balloon up in the air and then squeeze your eyes real tight with trepidation as you’d wait for it to explode? Well, I squeezed my eyes tight when I got off the set last week awaiting the balloon to break. I waited all day Wednesday, all day Thursday, all day Friday, all weekend and by Monday, when the balloon still hadn’t broken, I wondered if perhaps this balloon was strong enough to withstand any hard surface.
“Turns out, it was.
“I’m beyond elated to say that I was flooded with positive feedback, email after email offering kudos for the message and congrats for the pregnancy. I was patted on the proverbial back for telling my story, lifted up for my courage but then brought right back down to earth with questions of whether my work BFF Lester Holt is the baby’s father. (He’s not. Nor is Matt, nor Willie, nor Al ... so no more questions about that, please.)”
In her blog, Wolfe -- who continues to the subject of speculative tweets from journalist Rick Sanchez about her demotion at Weekend TODAY -- acknowledges that not all of the feedback has been positive, however.
“Was there the occasional nasty note? Of course, but that’s fine,” she writes. “We’re all entitled to our opinion, as long as we’re not mean about it. I mean, am I totally annoyed by concert goers who hold up their bright iPhones right in front of me to record the live show they paid good money to attend? Yup, I am, but I’m not calling them at their work telling them how I feel. And don’t get me started on first-timers at Costco. But do I march up to those people and preach my religious views to them and their big empty carts going the wrong way down the aisle? That would be no. We can all opine till we’re blue in the face... but let’s color in the lines and play fair, shall we?
“Bottom line, though, is that the vast majority of the emails, tweets and Facebook comments I’ve received have been wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to send a few words our way. They have not, will not and won’t ever go unnoticed or unappreciated.”
In her blog, Wolfe also honestly – and hilariously – writes about the reality of expecting a baby, including this little jem: “ You pee 157 times a day. I’m convinced that Kathy, who sits outside my office, thinks I have a disturbingly small bladder.”

Wolfe also reveals she’s at the halfway mark in her pregnancy - “20 weeks down, 20 to go.”
She concludes her blog by writing: “Let’s hope the second half isn’t nearly as dramatic as the first, but I fully appreciate those hurdles are what will make the next 20 weeks a breeze, she said with a smile.
“I’m sure I’ll learn more along the way, but I’m finding that the best way to know everything there is to know about pregnancy is to acknowledge that you’ll never even come close.”